Please fill in the form for THREE FREE chapters

(YES, THREE!!) of my book AS WELL AS the bonus 2-hour tele-class
"How to Keep The Attraction Alive After You Get Your EUM to Step Up Or Your Ex Back":

Goddess Interview Series

It is my mission to document the transformation of my most successful clients: from insecure, anxious and operating from the repelling masculine energy to mastering Goddess qualities, so many women can learn the actual and proven ways how to find and keep a man and be in a healthy relationship in which they are cherished. It’s no gimmick but pure Feminine Magnetism in action.

With that in mind I proudly present the five series of the Goddess Interviews which are a part of the Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship monthly membership.

These series consist of four magnificent ladies each that have been or will be featured on my blog posts.

Please be informed before you touch the payment button that all sales are final. You’ll be helped to access your product(s) but we don’t refund. And Katarina doesn’t work with disrespectful, combative, aggressive, pushy, bossy, angry and entitled women so if you’re one of them please look somewhere else.  She is the Last Resort for a reason, only when you’re ready to be receptive, respectful and humble yourself to learn from the world’s Very Best/Miracle Worker should you buy anything on this website. Please research her first before buying anything, she has tons of free stuff around so you can gauge her expertise and knowledge.  Only real students of hers need to buy anything from her (by “real” it means that they’re ready to surrender to her leadership and teaching process). She’s a straight shooter who will tell you the roots of your problem with men without sugar coating and if you’re not ready you’re going to be very triggered by what she has to say. However, if you’re ready she will turn your situation overnight and you’ll get to save tons of time and money and learn life’s ultimate lessons you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.  And please email me us at if you want to pay with PayPal, we will send you an invoice for the time being.


First Series

1. Chelsea: She’s a remarkable young woman who gets every point of my teaching. She’s soft, secure and so very grounded and her man has just proposed! She also changed her view on sex that got her this far with her fiancé . She’s a truly inspiring Goddess. And she’ll be back with a new interview after the wedding in 2015. Get individually here.

2. Tricia: She put down her sword once she met me and started exploring within herself why she was in the relationship she was. She got back with her long-time boyfriend with whom she had had a rocky relationship but overtime realized upon her healing that she had outgrown the relationship. She is now in the healthiest relationship with a new guy who shows up in a way that makes her feel so cherished. Tricia is a fountain of wisdom and a source of strength for many ladies in the group. Get individually here.

3. Arida: I wrote four blog posts on her and she has her own tag thanks to that. She is the epitome of why even a man who doesn’t want a relationship can’t resist her. She just focuses on herself and her own life, her man just can’t afford to lose her! Get individually here.

4. Maura: She is the rain maker of her own right. She wanted so bad for her alpha guy to be in love with her but that hope seemed to fade with every passing day and her anxiety getting the better of her. She almost lost hope till she found me and turned it around with her new found skills. Nowadays, the tables are reversed. He can’t leave her alone! Get individually by emailing me at (please whitelist yourself when you first email by clicking on the anti-spam link).

Get all four recordings for a discounted price of $428 (value: $127 each or $508 for 4 of them or $80 off).


Second Series



1. Melissa: She found me on another coach’s page having freshly broke up from her EUM. Within weeks she turned everything around. Her case is one of the mot compelling cases I’ve taken and helped reverse. You don’t want to miss her amazing resolve to become a different woman. Get individually hereUpdate: She gave birth to their first baby on May 8, 2019 and he proposed one day after of May 9.

2. Mary Beth: I’m in the process of writing a blog post on her. She found me when her relationship was stressful to her because she felt she had to do everything. She leaned back to the protest of her boyfriend but she was willing to let that relationship go and stuck to her gun. These days her stress level went down from 9 to 3 and she can relax in her feminine while her boyfriend continually adjusts to their new dynamics. She’s an articulate lady and can start her own coaching business. Get individually here.

3. Dasha: She dated a divorced man who got cold feet and broke up with her. With my method she got him back within 5 weeks and now he’s shopping for a ring. She used to freak out all the time with men. These days she no longer remembers what being anxious feels like. An astonishing transformation to say the least. Get individually here.

4. Emma: Emma is a fountain of wisdom, you’d love to listen to her. Her boyfriend is a super alpha male who is very successful and famous and she never thought she ever had a chance with a man like that. She proved herself wrong. Today he’s smitten and takes care of her like no other man has ever done. And they’re talking babies! She has bought and tried every relationship book in the market, but her life changed when she read my ebook. The rest is history. Get individually here.

Get all four recordings for a discounted price of $428 (value: $127 each or $508 for 4 of them or $80 off).


Third Series



1. Kristie: Kristie is an example of how my methods work to get your ex back and get your ex to marry you. And all is done without the generic advice of bringing up the talk, sourpuss attitude (in the name of “boundaries”) and ultimatums. She consistently lures him with honey and he is trapped in that ever-flowing of honey and can’t/won’t get out. And only a very special and emotionally intelligent woman can do that. Get individually here.

2. Gina: Gina is expecting her first baby with her (ex) EUM! This will also be my first baby! At first she thought her EUM wasn’t that into her but as soon as she practiced what I taught she managed to turn the tide. Not only that he was joining her in her plan to have a baby one way or another cause she didn’t want to wait much longer due to her age (38 years old). Her story is truly inspiring, something you don’t want to miss especially if your biological clock is ticking. Get individually here.

3. Marina: Marina is the epitome of a high-powered successful -yet leaned back- woman. She has done her share of inner work and a little tweak on feminine magnetism from me made her a goddess a man can’t afford to lose. That’s how she let her guy go to finish his unfinished business with his ex and have him return when he was finished once and for all. They’re now moving forward to the next level of commitment by buying a property together. I hear wedding bells. Get individually here.

4. Sasha: Sasha is one the 49 ladies who got engaged in 2015, only after 5 months of dating. She is one of my miracles. She was extremely anxious when she found me, sent me many pages of email. I didn’t even have to read it to know what was going on. So if you are interested in knowing what her secrets were from around the clock crazy thoughts to being chilled that he proposed in no time (while she was so worried about him not being bf enough), just four months after she practiced what I taught, get this class individually here.

Get all four recordings for a discounted price of $428 (value: $127 each or $508 for 4 of them or $80 off).


Fourth Series


1. Mary: Mary was engagement no. 30 in 2015! Her mother is one of my most avid students (she has been in all my classes). They got engaged 11 months after her now fiancé broke up with her in November 2014. They have a baby daughter together and after applying what I teach, she got him back in a just few weeks. Miracles do happen and they can happen to you too! Get individually here

2. Pamela: This class is also a Goddess Interview with my client Pamela, who left her fiancée and got engaged 2 months later to another man, that coincidentally touched another subject worth dissecting: abusive relationship. She’s one of my numerous miracles and contributed to 2 of the 50 engagements in 2015.

3. Anabelle: Did you just get your ex back and you are feeling shaky? Or you are just feeling haunted all the time by the fear of being abandoned by your guy? This class is for you! There is no need for that if you understand the power at play here. Some of the ladies in the group did get their exes back but they broke up again before long. Part of the reasons is the same exact problem keeps recurring. If you have this issues or fear having another breakup, you can’t afford to miss this class. Learn from Anabelle how she got her ex back and how she keeps herself grounded so she didn’t make the same mistake she did. UPDATE: he proposed February, 2019.

4. Layla: Wanna learn how my method has saved many marriages/relationships? And how a woman is the emotional leader in relationship and you as a woman can save your relationship ALONE. Yep, alone. That’s my proven trademark. Many don’t understand why it only takes one person to save a relationship and it’s usually the woman who holds the key. Listen to this enlightening class with Layla who has been through such situation herself and feel a powerful shift within you that saving your marriage/relationship is a matter of when, not if, if you practice what I teach.

Get all four recordings for a discounted price of $428 (value: $127 each or $508 for 4 of them or $80 off).


Fifth Series


1. Kimi: Kimi is one of my most compelling miracles, she not only got back with her ex-husband after 5 years or divorce and no contact, she got him to remarry her a year after the reconciled! She has grown so much since the 2 years she sat in my programs religiously. Her self-love and self-confidence is so mesmerizing, no wonder he can’t wait to marry her AGAIN! She is proof that anything is possible with my teachings. No relationship issue is too hard to overcome. And in this class she will tell you what the game changers are.  Get it individually here.

2. Wendy: Many of you come to me cause your and your guy’s timeline don’t match. And you read somewhere else how if a man doesn’t commit within 3 months he never will and you get all anxious. He responds to your anxious pressure by pulling away. You, in effect, slows down his timeline even more. Wendy did the exact same thing and caused them to break up. With my method she got him back months later and slowly but surely he felt safe to lead the relationship again without her constant emotional outbursts. Two years since the day they met, he finally claimed her. It would have been much faster had she been a Kat girl since day one. Don’t make the same mistake, attend the class tonight and learn from Wendy. They’re now expecting a baby girl!!  Get it individually here.

3. Kellie: There is nothing wrong with Kellie because she’s been a Kat’s girl since the first day she met her beau but sometimes even the best of us gets dumped! Ouch. and it’s not you, it’s him. She is one of the Kat Goddesses who experienced this typical men-getting-cold-feet situation and she managed to get him back by sticking to what I teach. Find out what she did or didn’t do to deal with this breakup the most dignified way that impressed him so much that he realized no other woman compared. This is why my teachings have been responsible with so many exes back and relationships/marriages saved.  Get it individually here.

4. Jenna: Jenna is one of my miracles. Her EUM (at the time) had been unhappily married for 17 years in which he felt guilty all the time and had been divorced for 7 months when they met so of course he was scared to jump in another relationship so quick. But through sticking to what I teach and signing up for the Leaning Back workshop, Journey Inward and the monthly membership, she melted his heart beyond recognition and he proposed in December. They are now happily married.  Get it individually here.

Get all four recordings for a discounted price of $428 (value: $127 each or $508 for 4 of them or $80 off).