Please fill in the form for THREE FREE chapters

(YES, THREE!!) of my book AS WELL AS the bonus 2-hour tele-class
"How to Keep The Attraction Alive After You Get Your EUM to Step Up Or Your Ex Back":

Monthly Membership Audio

First, nothing brings me more joy than knowing I help you succeed in your love life.  Everything else is secondary.  Helping you succeed is my number one passion.

And getting my coaching doesn’t have to break your bank. Every income bracket can work with me. Find your issues and find your classes dealing with those issues on the list below (get 5 classes for $499, it’s like 7 hour of coaching for the price of one).  Many get engaged or get their exes back just by listening to individual classes here.  They’re very affordable and I deliver results like no other coach you will ever hear or have ever heard and it’s not a claim.  It’s a fact.  An observable fact.

Your jaw will drop when you hear how many ladies get the men they adore to step up by spending less than $100 bucks on my products (results of course will vary depending where you are in your journey, no two journeys are the same) and many of those women have married and given birth to bundles of joy as well!

That’s the kind of care and commitment I hold for my clients.  You can stay, get advice and learn as much as you need to in my fantastically transformational support groups.

The classes are from the Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship Monthly Membership that was first launched in September 2014 consisting two classes (it is now one class/month) each month: a relationship subject and a Goddess Interview with my most successful clients. Most of the Goddess Interviews can be purchased here.

This page list all replays of previous classes in the monthly membership that are primarily not Goddess Interviews (there were a few that I added here). So please check every month to check for newer classes. Many of the subjects will help you further in your journey toward feminine magnetism. The principles that I teach will truly shift your energy and raise your vibration so they are invaluable resources in the path toward personal transformation.

Once you master yourself, your relationships will be easy and smooth sailing. Problems will cease to exist because most problems start in the unawakened mind.

Many of my clients feel happier, calmer and more self-confident and relaxed just through listening to my speech so don’t underestimate the power of tuning in the right message at the right time.

All the classes are sold between $107 – $157 (you can email me at for that but please BEWARE: you will need to click on the one-time anti-spam verification link to whitelist your email address, or your email won’t reach me). So sign up for the Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship Monthly Membership to take advantage of these discounts (and of course you get the one ongoing class of the period you subscribe for).Getting my coaching doesn’t have to break your bank. Every income bracket can work with me. Find your issues and find your classes dealing with those issues here (get 5 classes for $499, it’s like 7 hour of coaching for the price of less than one).

Please be informed before you touch the payment button that all sales are final. You’ll be helped to access your product(s) but we don’t refund. And Katarina doesn’t work with disrespectful, combative, aggressive, pushy, bossy, angry and entitled women so if you’re one of them please look somewhere else.  She is the Last Resort for a reason, only when you’re ready to be receptive, respectful and humble yourself to learn from the world’s Very Best/Miracle Worker should you buy anything on this website. Please research her first before buying anything, she has tons of free stuff around so you can gauge her expertise and knowledge.  Only real students of hers need to buy anything from her (by “real” it means that they’re ready to surrender to her leadership and teaching process). She’s a straight shooter who will tell you the roots of your problem with men without sugar coating and if you’re not ready you’re going to be very triggered by what she has to say. However, if you’re ready she will turn your situation overnight and you’ll get to save tons of time and money and learn life’s ultimate lessons you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.  And please email me us at if you want to pay with PayPal, we will send you an invoice for the time being.

Get 5 classes for $499

(write me with the list of the classes after paying below):

OR 8 classes with a bonus of Goddess Interview Series consisting of 4 classes (value at $249), write me for this one.  Or get 8 classes you want and write me for the series you choose.

Here are The Previous Classes in the Archive of the Monthly Membership, on Top of the Goddess Interviews:

1. You Are The Powerful Creator Of Your Reality

The basis of all great relationships start here: recreating your personal narrative and clearing up the fog off your glasses.

This class addresses how we create our own reality.

You see, according Quantum Physics, we create the universe we live in. How so?

It’s because without our brain/nervous system this universe is a sea of nothingness. There is no physical reality to our universe. Our universe is made of 99.999% emptiness/space. There is only energy vibrating on certain frequency. All is created in the mind and our belief and expectations of what reality is help shape it.

In other words what we call our reality or what we see are simply projections on the back of your brain. Yup, we are practically watching a movie. We literally live in our head. But the illusion is so consistent and consensual, we are duped to believe this is real, that there are solid objects, there is matter.

But as a matter of fact, there is no matter outside our perception. When we don’t look at the moon, the moon is merely a wave function. When we see it, the wave function collapses and it becomes the moon as we see it. And when we sleep there is no universe. There is no bed and bedroom. When we are waking up the bed, bedroom and the universe are rendered again. And when we look away, the bedroom disappears into nothingness again.

Our reality is pretty much like a computer game.

Utterly shocking, isn’t it?

The good news is when you realize this, you become free. Life is an illusion. Everything you see is an illusion. Even *you* are an illusion. Now you know this you can play whatever role in life you are playing now and make it fun without the emotional entanglement.

You are a being of light, not of matter.

If everything is an illusion, your suffering is an illusion too!

Are you mind-boggled yet? If yes, this is the program for you and I will touch more on the subject on today’s class and how this can have a magnificent effect on your love life as well.

My client LaToya said this about the classes she listened to in hit program Four Components Of melting His Heart which you can still sign up: “Katarina Phang….I finished listening to the second class tonight and it was AWESOME!!! It is your book x 10. Looking forward to next week’s class. So far I have been blown away. Love it! Trust is a real hot button with men. My EUM mentioned how lack of trust and verbal disrespect were a problem in relationships he’s had.”

And what’s more exciting is you will also learn from my star clients -those who get my method and practice it perfectly so they are in great, healthy relationships in which their men are completely smitten by them. You see, I’m interested in results and if results are what you want you can’t do no wrong by working with me as long as you don’t resist me.

“I Listened to the teleclass 3 times now. Wow…my mind is still blown.
Your paypal email should be Morpheus, not Orpheus lol… Cos you are teaching us to break the matrix” ~Melinda, UK

“Katarina, I’m still reeling from that class. Wow! Thank you!” ~ Maria, Colorado

You can now purchase this powerful class -certainly one of my favorites- for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

2. How To Deal With Men With Issues…Or Men

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

All men have issues…and how they deal with their issues are dependent on how you deal with yours. Expecting perfection from a man is a sign of emotional unavailability. Listen to this class. I talk about a client who used my method to get engaged in 6 months (he was her EUM, didn’t want a relationship, etc) but then she started to get cold feet and over analyzing his every move (now it’s clear who is the EU one).

Beware, my method works too well so use it at your own peril!

Many ladies successfully get their guys claim them or commit to them yet they go back to their old pattern of reactiveness once they’re in relationship and the honeymoon period is over. They “bait and switch.” How to deal with your impulse to be right in relationship? Again, you don’t want to miss this class!

“Listening to Kat’s Men With Issues…or Men class. I wish I’d done this a couple of months ago. Bf is in Hawaii on a trip a family friend gave him for graduation, and learned on the way there Thursday that a good friend committed suicide. Trying to focus on putting my life together and giving him space even if I don’t feel like it, just putting one foot in front of the other. I feel so blue right now, but it’s also the last week of my cycle. Sorry for the TMI but I know for a fact I am not the only one who has been there!

One of the biggest lessons I have learnt since joining this group is the importance of giving space. I didn’t learn it immediately, and nearly pushed him away at one point. A heart-to-heart conversation (initiated by him) fixed that and since then, I’ve backed off and built a rotation. He’s been nothing but sweet and supportive- as long as he feels I value his feelings and needs. Space cannot be given without having empathy, and empathy is impossible to have if you’re plagued with anxiety.” ~Dorothy, San Diego


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

3. How These Women Get Their Exes Back

Is your heart bleeding at the moment cause you are missing your ex so bad? Many women come to me cause they are at a loss about what to do after the breakup with their guys. Lucky, after practicing what I teach usually their exes begin to reappear again in their lives. Some are talking to their exes again, or start to spending time together again and some got back together for real or their exes reclaimed them. Rinna is one those who start seeing their guys again. She said:

“After listening to Tricia interview (as a part of Goddess Interview of the monhtly membership, you can get it here) I must post how good things are working out with my EUM. He’s still out of town working but last Saturday came home for the weekend. He had to work at home both days but he wanted to see me Saturday nite.Like Tricia had suggested I’m open to date others and in fact went for date before seeing him. I asked if he wanted me to come over to his house as that’s normally what we do. To my surprise he wanted to come pick me up and take me to dinner! We did that and I went back to his house after and spent the nite.It was great as usual. He left next day to go back out of town to work. The next nite to my surprise he called me. He hasn’t in months and months. Then he texts me everyday. Then yesterday he asked me to visit him as I had that day off. I agreed and drove to see him.He filled up my car full of gas bought me bottle of wine and took me to dinner. He was extremely affectionate. I left this morning. I’m letting him lead and only mirror him. I’m not getting ahead of him either nor asking where we stand, etc. Trying to care less. Thank you, Kat for your teachings. I’m shocked they are working so well.” Rinna found me as an emotional basket case just 5 months ago. She was on anti-depressants and thinking of suicidal thoughts and has pushed her EUM away with her anxiety and clinginess. She signed up for ALL my programs including the monthly membership and her progress has been remarkable: she halved her meds dosage and now is off completely. She’s happier at work and attracts more clients and tips as a hair stylist and she begins to attract her ex EUM back as well.

She started a new chapter with him just a few weeks ago and each time she reports, things have progressed really well. She’s much more grounded and secure and stops asking anxious questions. Another happy camper is Nadya. She reported:

“Katarina Phang, you are a relationship genius! I am eternally grateful! It’s been two months since I found you and your book and began applying and studying your teaching. The best money I have ever spent! The more I have leaned back, the more my ex EUM continues to step up! I am amazed! I have totally focused on myself and my life and he continues to pursue me! He lives out of town, but he visits as much as he can. He recently came into town to take my son to a professional football game that was an additional 3 hours away.He calls and texts multiple times a day. I NEVER initiate calls to him and I initiate texts to him twice a week, before his football games to wish him good luck (he is a high school football coach)! All other contact is initiated by him, not because of anything I have said, he just does it!! Tonight, while on the phone, he said that he “absolutely adores me!” He said he is so happy that I gave him a second chance because I am the best thing that ever happened to him, and he was an idiot not see it sooner! He shared that being with me is different than anything he ever experienced! He says I motivate him to be a better man and a better person because I am so passionate about the things that I do! He said he is ready to push all his chips in with me. He shared that he was going to tell me this when came to see me next week but could not keep it to himself that long.My jaw was on the ground because I had let go of any expectations when I found Kat!! This from the man who was confused about his feelings for me earlier in year! Things were great in the beginning. He was a great guy to both myself and my son. I got really attached to him and I was leaning forward too much. I started asking him about a future together, and was constantly seeking reassurance about where the relationship was going. I feel disgusted just thinking about it now. He accepted a job out of town mid relationship and I clung on even more, he continued to pull away and I continued to lean forward to try to bring him back. He eventually told me that he was confused about his feelings and needed space. We were broken up for 6 months.Ladies, Kat knows what she is doing, read the book, do the inner work. This is amazing! I would have messed it up with out her! I did the work for me, not to get him back, but I ended winning in the end! Screaming Thank-you Kat, you are the Best!”

And here’s another one, Amanda from Portugal:

“OMG! Did he just invited me to spend New Year’s Eve just the two of us? He broke up with me back in March. We got back together last month.Last year, when we were dating the first time we dated, that was a messy subject. He wanted to spend with his friends (as he does EVERY YEAR SINCE GOD KNOWS WHEN) and I wanted to be with him. It ended up being a mix of both which was not what I wanted and I felt like it only happened ’cause I pushed. He was attentive and all during that night but It wasn’t his idea, you know?Just now he asked about my plans for New year’s and said he had a crazy idea. Went on about a nice place a friend told him about, not too expensive where we could go for two nights. I had to Ask him if he meant just the two of us ’cause honestly I’m beyond surprised. A week ago he said something about going north with just some of the boys, I said nothing and Even started to have some ideas of things I could do with my closest girls…Now this!This is the guy that left me in March saying he was not ready for a serious thing…He just used the word girlfriend. First time since we got back together even though he had already brought up exclusivity. Happy! ? “

Now here’s the good news, these ladies plus a three others who are in the same boat were sharing their experiences: what to do after a breakup, how they cope, how to survive the no contact period, how to learn to lean back, how to distract their obsessive mind from their exes, how to heal their painful emotions, how to move on….you name it…in this class. These ladies have proven to themselves that once they change, their guys also change, and so do their relationships in the class. So if you need morale support to navigate this very difficult time, you can’t afford to lose this call. Don’t suffer alone. Invest in this program because YOU’RE WORTH IT. You deserve to be happy and to learn all the things that can help you ease your suffering and find happiness again.






























































You can now purchase this powerful 2-hr class for $87 or $77 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:






























































4. What Being An Empty And Boundless Vessel Means

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

This class talks about going back to the Ground Zero, back to where you start at in your search/journey. There is a famous Zen saying: “Before I studied Zen, I saw mountains as mountains and rivers as rivers. When I had studied Zen for thirty years I no longer saw mountains as mountains and rivers as rivers. But now that I have finally mastered Zen, I once again see mountains as mountains and rivers as rivers.” What has this got to do with love and relationship?


This is the one class that pretty much depicts the end of “searching.” I haven’t really talked about it so much cause unless you are at ground zero it doesn’t make much sense. But this self-improvement stuff at some point should come to a complete halt when you realize it’s all mind stuff that you subscribe to and take as absolute.

I no longer hold any conception of me (good or bad). I just am…empty, undefined and boundless moment to moment. I am fluid. My I-thoughts have been curtailed by 90% and when they arise, I don’t identify with them. And that kind of “mindless” existence is freedom. That’s what being self-less means. Get this class and explore it further in the lab of your own mind.

“Nobody has the key to your peace of mind except yourself. When you’re not needing anything from anyone, they don’t want to get away from you. But when you are needing something from someone, that burden is like a repellent. It’s just too much responsibility to be accountable for someone’s happiness. Be happy on your own with or without him.

– Notes from Kat’s class: ‘What Being An Empty Boundless Vessel Means’.

I love this class… I listen at least once per month to stay grounded.” ~Rachel, New York


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

5. How To Soften Your Boundaries So You Become Non Reactive And Irresistible

6Are you a ticking time bomb cause your mind goes into overdrive 24/7? You need this class yesterday. Softening of boundaries is my original philosophy that will improve your relationship like no other….OVERNIGHT! What I teach is, when you practice to a tee, will give immediate results as many of my clients have attested.

This is a very important class cause every day I read your posts on how you react on insignificant things cause you need validation (your ego is in the way). As many have you have learnt the hard way, it is in fact when you soften your boundaries you begin to get everything you ever wanted. These guys seem to want to give and do more for you when you stop being a demanding diva. This is why my method has been ASTONISHINGLY successful with daily testimonials to prove it.

This class discusses on why your relationship gets stagnant when you focus on establishing boundaries instead of expanding your conception of self that includes stuff that triggers you.

Problem with many relationships is when one expects the partners to be doing a certain thing or not doing a certain thing in the name of boundaries.  It introduces unnecessary bumps that really don’t make a difference in the long run.

Most successful relationships are really between two people who accept each other as they are and allow each other to be who they are. This proves to be difficult for many women thanks to their insecurities, expectations and skewed view on boundaries. They set to change and tweak their partners instead.

I really enjoyed giving this class and the feedback has been really warm. This is truly one of my most favorite classes I have ever conducted and I’m sure it will help you align your mindset so it becomes conducive to attracting great relationships and keeping your men attracted.

“My man proposed to me last night. Thank you, Katarina, it’s ALL because of you. Will post a detailed one tomorrow! 🙂  I’ve not said anything because I’m so worried he’ll take the ring back because I’ve been leaning forward so much today! Haha. But will behave myself from tomorrow. 🙂

It was so unexpected. I kept saying “really?,” “I’ll be really mad if this is a prank,” “why do you want to marry me?”  “Is this like a real diamond?”  I’m *still* totally zapped and haven’t processed it.

THAT’S how amazing you are. I went through a million useless books on how I need to be assertive and value myself and not put up with his shit blah blah and it ONLY pushed him away further and further. Thank god I found you. He put a ring on that finger in exactly 6 weeks of me finding you.

I just read your book and the class on softening boundaries and becoming non reactive. It was really really bad pre-you. 🙂

He’s from a political dynasty, too, so being alpha the only way he knows to be. He doesn’t hunt or fish, though. He has a super sensitive side to him and is doesn’t eat meat because he doesn’t want to be cruel to animals. Lol. He’s not alpha in that obvious sense. He likes to paint and loves art and is very soft. Just his energy is very, very alpha.

We were constantly fighting before I found Kat. Is it bad to be submissive? Because he kind of likes that in me. He hates it when I’m aggressive. ~ Anna, India


“Ladies, Katarina‘s goddess call today was probably some of the best money I’ve ever spent. Lol I think we should be able to write off the cost if her teachings on our taxes. College expenses are tax deductible and her principles and teachings have been more beneficial than anything I learned in college.” ~Briana, Oregon


“Relistened to monthly class #5, “How to Soften Your Boundaries So You Become Non Reactive and Irresistible” today–Katarina Phang, it’s pure gold and maybe the best of all!  THIS is how you become a chill woman. Thank you!

It’s true.  I basically let everything slide these days, and in the past couple of months I get everything: the time, the affection, and the house.  The more okay I am with whatever, the more the goodness grows. Thanks again and again and again, Katarina. <3 <3″ ~Kenzie, Atlanta


“Katarina’s book and class on how to soften our boundaries and not be reactive changed my extremely volatile 13 year old relationship into a peaceful one.

Earlier I would treat my EUM the way he’d treat me. If he was rude to me, I’d be MORE rude, if he wouldn’t reply to my texts, I’d throw a hissy fit.

My demands kept increasing and I was super high-maintenance and it drove him away. But he didn’t leave me because he said he loved me very much, he just became extremely distant and untrusting and less affectionate because he felt I was making him walk on eggshells all the time and that I was like a “ticking time bomb.”

I was a complete monster.  I was always pushing him to do things for me, I would send him a hundred texts a day, I’d not give him any space. And when he’d pull back, I would get even more upset and get more anxious and act out. Now I just lean back and chill out and live my own life.

We work together, so I see him almost everyday for 4-5 hours, but outside of work I don’t hound him.  For instance, earlier, I would start texting him as soon as he’d leave work.  Random, pathetic texts to get his attention.  

My whole life revolved around him.  Now it doesn’t.  I have a full life outside of him. I don’t make any demands. If he wants space, I give him space. Earlier I would hound him MORE when he’d ask for space, because I was so afraid he’d leave.

Now I’ve basically let go. I’m soft, agreeable, don’t pick fights and I mirror him. But to mirror him does not mean that I’m rude to him if he’s rude to me.

I’m very, VERY sweet and soft with him and it just makes him want to do more and more for me.  He told me he was going to Vienna for four days next month.  I was upset he didn’t ask me to come along, but I smiled and told him he’d been working so hard and that I wished he’d have a fun, relaxed time there.

The old me would have been offended that he’d want to travel without me and would have thrown a tantrum about the same. Because I was so nice and supportive about it and said that I just wanted HIM to have fun, he’s asked me a million times since afternoon to give him my shopping list.

I have softened my boundaries, I’m trying to be feminine, I let him take the lead and I just mirror him.  I’ve had a couple of bad days in the middle, which I’m not very proud of, but as you can see, he has focused on the 28 good days, not the two bad days. Earlier there used to be 2 good days and 28 bad days.

I changed overnight after reading Katarina’s blogs one night. I softened my boundaries, became sweeter and nicer and more agreeable. I stopped asking for things and throwing tantrums. When I changed, he changed and became very loving. He suddenly wanted to do more and more for me. It was unbelievable.

I have read so many books and articles by others which say that we “deserve” a man who takes all our rotten tantrums. That ONLY works in a Beyoncé song, not in real life.

I’m very happy to have found Katarina and this group and while I’m still a work-in-progress (I threw a tantrum yesterday because I wanted his attention, and he said I was a “nightmare” again), I know I’m on my way to a happy, calm place.

My guy just sent me these texts in which he said that I was everything to him. I can’t thank anyone but Katarina Phang for this. A month ago he had told me he couldn’t stand to talk to me anymore, that maybe we were just a “bad mix.” And today, EXACTLY four weeks after I found Katarina, he sent me these texts. Isn’t this sweet? I can’t stop smiling!!

I haven’t stopped smiling for like half an hour now! I was so excited, I didn’t even respond to his texts, I just took a snapshot and posted it here because I’m so grateful! also, my jaw hurts now from the smiling but I can’t stop!!

I learn to lean back with Katarina’s teachings and a little bit of willpower. But it’s more Kat than my willpower, actually. I listen to her class everyday. If I don’t listen to it for 2 days, I’m back to my old ways. What I like about her teachings is that she’s very blunt. You follow her teachings to a T and there’s NO way your relationship won’t be successful and happy.

I’m actually shocked at how accurate she is in her assessment of alpha men. You HAVE to let go of your thoughts. Once you let go, everything will come to you. At least it did to me.

Katarina is AMAZING. I wish I had found her ten years ago. Would’ve saved me a lot of drama. But better late than never.

The class on softening our boundaries and becoming non-reactive is GOLD!!” ~Irene, India


You can now purchase this powerful class for $127 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $699/hr today and it will keep going up!):

6. How To be High Value And Easy To Lose And How It Can Inspire Men To Step Up

This class is making a wave all over the world!!! It shifts you so deeply and fast. It’s like my entire teaching is being condensed in one class and 90 mins!! This is definitely one of my favorite classes of the monthly membership as well! I have written about what being high-value is all about before but in this class I will dissect it more in a way -so powerful- that will fire you up and create shift in you like no other.

“My mom listened to Katarina’s call with me tonight cause she was curious who this lady is that is giving me advice lol! and she was like holy shit, Brooke. If you follow Kat you will have it all! You’ve got your act together on a career and health level but if you dial in on what Kat is saying with regards to men you will be the trifecta of awesomeness! She gave me a little tough love that I will spare you…. My mom is 63 years old. She and my dad have been together for like 45 years and have beat the odds but my mom Said it was only because she accidentally did all the stuff that Kat is teaching us. Kat has everything laid out for us ;).

Every body needs today’s class….just sayin. The calls are always good just when I think there is no way I can learn any more, I do. Never disappointed by these calls. Never disappointed by these calls. I get hit on all the time but I shut them down cause I’m ‘loyal’… wtf? I’m easy to lose bout time I pony up and freakin act like it. Damn Kat your call has me FIRED up!!” ~Brooke, Oregon

“Yesterday I listened to Kat’s lecture “How to be high-value and easy to lose.” I highly recommend listening to it while painting your nails or wearing a face mask. 

I wrote some notes to share with the ladies who can’t buy the class. Here is what I got:

1. A High Value Woman doesn’t cling to people or experiences.

2. She doesn’t commit to a guy who hasn’t committed to her. She doesn’t take on a girlfriend role. She doesn’t want a guy who does not want her. She is turned off by wishy-washy guys.

3. She has a happy, self-confident, emotionally healthy energy.

4. She ALWAYS has other options.

5. The opposite of easy to lose is clinging.

6. She NEVER tries to fix or change a man. She accepts him or rejects him.

7. Focusing and worrying about the future destroys what you have in the present.” ~Chelsea, Nevada

“Wow, this takes the book to another level. Best $87 I ever spent. I am enjoying this call. I totally agree today’s call is a must have. I feel so relaxed and at peace after listening. I did not have any questions because there is a certain clarity about the way Katarina Phang delivers the information that makes it crystal clear. I am going to listen to the class again tonight and take notes.” ~Nadya, South Carolina

“I’m going to sound like a commercial but I can’t get over how good this audio is. It honestly changed my life. it made me cry the first time I listened lol because it made such an impression. Worth every last penny and more. Can’t recommend it enough. Like, if you only buy one thing from Kat make it this.” ~Missy, Tenesse

I’m listening to this right now. It is definitely a masterpiece. Very confronting, because it lays out EXACTLY how I’ve acted low-value in the past and why my romantic life has been messy. Thanks Katarina! <3″ ~May, Spain

“After listening to this class, I broke up with my bf. Just I realized was wasting my time with him. Love it.” ~Dora, Kansas

“This class is worth every penny ladies! This class really gave me the tools to value myself. Loved it! Thank you Katarina!” ~Tiffany, NYC

“So we can live by it…definitely powerful, but it makes sense….we can do this….onward to being a Goddess.” ~Carly, Maryland

“This was so worth the money, I have listened to it a few times now and it has been so helpful!! We all need to hear this!!!!” ~Paris, Georgia

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

7. How to Lure With Honey When What You Want to Do Is to Kick Him in The Balls

Please write me at if you find any issue paying.  I will send you an invoice.

An obvious addition to your collection.  Your expectations are why your relationships have always been so hard. I will teach you the ultimate way relating to a man in a way that sees you as an exception. This class is very important because I delve further into why most women don’t get the guy. The Rules and all these other rules/strategies you read out there are based from the place of wanting to control and it will never work with men. Never ever. Only your softness and non reactiveness will do the trick.

“So glad I registered for this class…very informative and I feel better equipped for staying in the now and going with the flow. I’ve decided that I’m going out tonight and watch the basketball play-off game. Can’t build a rotation sitting on my sofa and it’s the missing link in my goddess arsenal. So I’m going fishing in a live pond. Wish me luck. Thanks Katarina…I feel revitalized!” ~Angie, Georgia


“I feel absolutely liberated!!!! Thank you Kat! I’m having all kinds of fun, thrills, and excitement. Your coaching call plus reading your book has set me free and I’m enjoying our current level of relating with no hassles, no pressure, no stress, and more often. You’re amazing!” ~Jennie, New Mexico


You can now purchase this powerful class for $97 (mind you my private coaching is now $499/hr):

8. What To Do If He Never Takes Me Out?

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Are you at a loss because the guy you like the most never plans for a date? And you feel like a booty call?  Then you don’t want to miss this 2-hour long class.  Learn how to inspire him to invest in the relationship without directly talking about it or appearing pushy? And how the no-expectation part fits into this scenario? If he’s your boyfriend, how to inspire him to take you out on a date more? That’s a mystery question so many women ask these days.

Truth is a man will do what is necessary to win your heart but if you are a sure thing before he invests in you, stay assured he will gladly sit on his ass as long as you allow it.

Be the one woman who always keeps him on his toes cause he knows any guy will be lucky to have you and snatch you away from him. Be, as per my mantra and per class #6 above, easy to lose.

“Kat! You were right about me needing class #8. It was so perfect for where I am with Fred. Since I have started really practicing ALL the principles of your method, I have noticed a huge shift in him. I was just “leaning back” and as you said, that wasn’t enough. I feel like I am changing and growing too since I started following you.

Total game changer! HUGE. I realized that leaning back and letting him initiate wasn’t enough. He needed to feel my energy shift off of him and it did! I started taking rotation seriously and actually met two men that i saw real potential with. Not just “fillers”. And not just doing any of this as a way to get him! But, as a way to be happy with myself. I also stopped focusing on the fact that he didn’t take me out. Why? Because i truly enjoy staying in and he has been showing me he’s invested in other ways. I just totally dropped that expectation.

I want to do Journey Inward. Going to start saving for that soon. Xo” ~Bianca, Kentucky

Ok that was an awesome class!!! I’m going to listen to this one forever” ~Kim, Florida

“This one came right on time…Thanks Katarina!!” ~Rachel, Ohio

“Yes I had to cut out a little early! I loved it katarina!! I have great ideas for the next time I’m offered less than “I actually would like” love the idea of turning the booty call around… I have done that before and have in past thanked him after.. He didn’t like it but he tried harder cuz I didn’t stay:-). Bring it on:) thank you great class.” ~Carrie, Illinois

“My first class today and even I couldn’t properly listen to whole class (will do again) I must say Im impressed. Really really good one and yes I did love the thing about booty call you said to use him as booty call. That’s in my opinion the best advice that could turn the tables around LOL” ~Lucia, Italy

“This was a great class!! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Learned so much!” ~Natasha, South Carolina

“I enjoyed this class! Can’t wait for the next one on how to not argue!” ~Kaia, Puerto Rico


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

9. How Rotation Can Bring Out The Goddess In You

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Many women resist me on rotation, not understanding what it’s really all about. As such they relapse after the first success or practicing leaning back because it’s hard to keep their emotional tank filled up relying on one guy who isn’t ready to commit. They go back to their nagging and reactive ways because they feel rejected and neglected. So in this class I discuss the nuts and bolts of rotation and how it makes your Inner Goddess shine. Rotation has been proven to inspire many EUM to step up. It is indeed a big part of my method.

This class was a real blast. This should explain it to you once and for all why rotation is what high-value women who love themselves first and foremost do. Nothing screams like self-love more than keeping a rotation till a guy steps up and claims you.

That’s how you keep your standards high without hardening your boundaries. You are easy to be with, soft and inviting yet you are easy to lose. If he snoozes he loses. You keep the guy you adore (who isn’t committed yet) on his toes knowing any lucky guy can snatch you away from him.

So do you a have a “boyfriend” who can go off for 4-5 days without talking to you? Then he’s a bf in words only. Even my non-boyfriend EUM called me 2-3 times a day!!! You can keep deluding yourself or you can start taking charge of your happiness independent of any particular guy.

“Kat this has just been such a great class for me and I finally truly understand what you are saying about rotation. Thank you so much for clarity on this subject and sharing all of your own experiences and wisdom. I regret not having one with my EUM and perhaps I would still be seeing him if I had. Instead my energy got sour and pissy and I walked away and got all mad when I should have just dated others. But I can’t go backwards only forwards and it’s an absolute huge life lesson for me. It shocks me how I’ve lived my life now 45 so clueless with men and so much heartache and pain if only someone had shown me the way. You are a true light in the dark for me as I could just never understand what to do with men and relationships. I am truly humbled and thankful. I hope I can still have a chance at love and I am very determined now more then ever to do my inner work and really be teachable. It’s just mind blowing to me. Thank you.” ~Rinna, Vancouver


“Finally listened to the Rotation class. Just wow Kat. I am blown away. This class is so awesome right up there with “How to be High Value and Easy To Lose.”  I wish I had this class 6 months ago. I also wish I had never taken a break from dating. Thanks so much for doing this class. I will never forget, I come first. I will rotate his ass until he is begging for a commitment.

A very inspiring class. I will listen to this at least once per week to remind myself to keep rotating even when I don’t feel motivated to do so. Everything is explained so well, and every objection I had to rotating was shot down in flames.” ~Rhonda, Missouri

“Great class, and I was very grateful for this topic being discussed, because it’s something I’ve resisted heavily in the past.  But because I trust Katarina completely I gave it a go.  Wow, I was blown away by the results.  I guess I thought no one would be interested in me, but I joined an online dating site and was contacted by hundreds of men.  Shocked at the interest.  So I went on a date with one I liked and he was really keen, maybe a little too keen; wanted to see each other every day, wanted to help me renovate my house etc.  I told my boyfriend that I had gone on a date with this guy and he dumped me, but I didn’t care and he must have picked up on my happy carefree attitude because he begged for us to be together again.  I have deleted my dating account, and we’re exclusive again. I don’t really want to do the rotation again yet (it was exhausting and overwhelming), but I know its there if I need it.  In the process, I realized that I might be a bit EU myself, and that I don’t want to live with a man just yet (something I was desperate for with my BF).  So, I think I’m a bit wiser, feel like there’s not just one man in the world for me. Phew, what an adventure! :)” ~Liz, Scotland


You can now purchase this powerful class -certainly one of my favorites- for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

10. How To Turn Jealousy Into An Opportunity To Inspire Him To Fall Deeper In Love With You

Everyday I read in the group how many of you are playing the worst case scenarios cause he’s really not where you are emotionally and you expect him to! You think you can demand this and express your displeasure left and right. You are bummed when he’s not responding and instead pulling away from your further. You’re disrupting the process of him getting boiled each time you are having a jealousy fit. This class -like all my previous classes- will get to the nitty gritty of the situation and solve it once and for all.

Even when you’re in relationship many of you often find yourself in the situation in which you feel entitled to control your partner so you can be spared from that jealousy rage.  That is certainly not dealing with the roots of the problem heads on, you are just treating the symptoms.  And the same problem will still rear its ugly head in different time and different places.

Remember, through this class you will learn that each time you feel jealousy rage is bubbling up inside of you, it is actually an opportunity to show him how different a woman you are and through that recognition, he’ll admire you and fall deeper in love with you.

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

11. How To Manage Your Emotional Investment When He’s Been Stepping Up But Hasn’t Claimed You

Please write me at if you have problems with payment.  I will send you an invoice.

This class is inspired by this post in the group by Joy:

“Ladies, I was doing really well, everything was going wonderfully with The Guy – he was stepping up, we saw each other every weekend, told his friends about me, etc.  We finally had a proper non couch date that he initiated (we have been seeing each other since January and everything was going great, all since I read Kat’s book in December.

He was the reason for the book after a lot of drama and heartache last year and me not understanding his hot/cold ways, known each other for 6 years and always been an attraction but both were in relationships).

After that weekend at the end of May (which was magical and such a huge leap for him) things have just went awry. Me and him work together – I had a week off after that and didn’t initiate (my friend thinks this was a mistake as after he finally stepped up I shouldn’t have ignored him.).

Suddenly he pulled back. I can understand why, I lost my way in the teachings a bit and found working with him SO hard.

Imagine you are trying to fight against being reactive but for the next 3 weeks you are on the same shift as the guy, being on the same train to and from work, living opposite each other and having to sit in a tea room with each other and make small talk? All whilst you are absolutely giving in to anxiety and depression and it’s obvious for all to see? Ugh.

He asked me a few times what was up with me but I just freeze up and say nothing. It doesn’t help that work is awful right now and we both hate it. Don’t get me wrong, we have seen each other outside of work and last time he was over was back to being great.

I felt relaxed, non reactive, and we had a great time. Then I leaned forward, have been moody as he wasn’t doing what I wanted him to (even though I never spoke up). He is on holiday in Florida, been there for last 2 weeks. He has been in contact since he’s been away, which I wasn’t expecting as things were so damn tense.

Last time I heard from him was 6 days ago though. I have been keeping myself busy and working on me but I really fear that it’s all been messed up. I also keep letting dark jealous thoughts ruin my energy and good vibes. I want positive vibes only ladies, I am well aware of where I’ve went wrong.

I can’t seem to get my head out of feeling like it’s last year, despite the huge difference in both of us, and it’s really not helping. I want to be the goddess again. Is it totally messed up?  I’ve not initiated whilst he’s been away, he has. I think the last month has made him back off and think I’m too hard to make happy cos I’ve been so bloody miserable!”

This is the class which was based on Joy’s meltdown. She has been seeing the first success with my method but she got indulgent. She didn’t have a rotation so she freaked out when he was pulling back.

She was having a meltdown cause her expectations were ahead of her and she wasn’t prepared for the rubber-band effect. Fast forward a month and a half later after this class, she turned things around.

“Everything is still going wonderfully well. We are now onto 7 weeks of him messaging me every single day, several times a day, him initiating everything and him planning ahead and organising our weekends together well in advance as well as the odd night during the week (and we see each other at work). I hadn’t had the chance to start a rotation, yet obviously my vibe changed cos I was suddenly open to it and noticing other guys when BOOM, he majorly stepped up. Within, like 2 weeks of my major blow out and upset messages on here.

So – as he keeps claiming all my weekends (the full weekends too!) should I just do what I’m doing – use up my week days to meet up with friends, do what’s fun for me and be open to other guys if I want? That’s what I’m doing and I feel awesome. And I’m not talking couch dates at the weekends (which was his norm). I’m talking dinners in nice restaurants, drinks, him cooking for me. Paying as well! Meeting his friends.

He’s giving me no room for any other guys and is boiling nicely! I also don’t feel over invested as I’m feeling so darned relaxed now. And I know I’m worth it (a big issue for me before). I’m right in just doing what I’m doing now eh? I don’t even contemplate leaning forward now, it’s so darned natural to me now “

Many women derail a fledgling relationship thanks to over investment that causes them to be anxious and pushy. One of the main themes is the fact that they can’t accept that he might not be as fast as them in terms of readiness and they expect them to be where they are emotionally every step of the way.

If you continually are in the same situation, you need to listen to this call.  Emotional investment management is the wisdom that I teach that will change everything.

Managing emotional investment so you are always on the same page as him at all time is one of the major principles that I teach that has proven to work magic.  This class with give you vital tips how to shift your mindset so you are no longer a victim to your timeline and expectations.

My classes are very educational and…addictive!  They will shift your powerfully by providing a totally different -yet empowering- POV.

UPDATE: A year later, she announced that they moved in together!  Congrats, Joy.

“Hi ladies, I hope you are well! It’s been a long time since I posted on here and just wanted to share my positive outcome. So, this weekend me and my (once) EUM moved in together. Not sure if you all remember but last time I posted was end of July last year – had a meltdown at him, was so upset and Kat did a session on it.
Here’s my history – I found Kat in December 2014 when I was at a low point and struggling to understand him – he was a classic EUM (didn’t want a relationship, hot and cold – we all know the drill). We had a handful of nights but I just wanted more more more and was so crazed by it all. What is his deal anyway?!
I started to implement some of Kat’s teachings and things certainly got better quickly. But I was still too reliant on an outcome with him, anxious a lot and not looking after my own needs. When I look back I cannot believe how much I put up with – talk about breadcrumbs ladies. Anyway, last July I hit my lowest point – found out he was on tinder, had it absolutely out with him, told him it was finished, hated him. He was cold, said he’d told me he didn’t want anything serious. Again. And I was heartbroken. I posted an angry rant on here – got some tough love from you all.
Listened to Kat’s group session on it. Started to see some sense – made plans with my friends, forced myself to go out, leaned back. Total time for him to come back after he DELETED me from social media and it was over for good? Two weeks. And you know what happened then? I kept implementing the tools – properly this time.
Suddenly…no drama. No nonsense. He started doing things he’d never done…taking me out on proper dates, cooking me dinner, introducing me to his friends….couple of months down the line and I was his girlfriend. We have went on weekend getaways together, met each other’s friends and family and now living together and planning on going traveling round the world next year. We have opened up so much and even spoke about why he was like that (his ex cheated on him – classic).
Don’t get me wrong – this past few months I still had my moments, sudden bouts of anxiety and extreme feelings. Triggers. But here’s my biggest tip for you ladies – what do you do in those dramatic moments where you want to lash out at him or just get in touch to make yourself feel better? Nothing. Do nothing. Feelings are absolutely fleeting and take it from me – you won’t feel the negative way for long. And you will only push your guy away further if you show him your crazy.
I also very much believe in the Law of Attraction and positive vibration – I practice that a lot. Just 5-10 mins of positive thoughts and feelings can change everything. Only thing I’ll admit I didn’t really embrace was Rotation – I totally understand why this helps, but I couldn’t ever feel comfortable with it. So instead I embraced the idea of rotation – I let guys flirt, let myself feel sexy and went out with friends on mate dates in lieu of men.
I hope you ladies who are struggling, heartbroken or full of anxiety over your EUM (and believe me, I was one of you!) take some heart in this. Read the book. Listen to the advice. Don’t get bogged down with negativity. Get your vibration raised and watch the magic happen. Love and happiness to you all! ❤ Xxx” ~Joy, UK
Here’s another proof of the magic what I teach. You can’t fail with my teachings….ever. It’s 2 = 2 = 4.

Listen to this class today and identify why your relationships always floundered before they fully bloomed.

“Just bought, listened to and took notes on How to manage your emotional investment when he is stepping up but isn’t claiming you.

I will admit I wasn’t going to buy it because the principles of what Kat teaches are simple: lean back, relax, do you, just be. Not to mention I didn’t have the money but I MADE MY GROWTH a priority.

It’s like anything what we get for free doesn’t hold much value. I love this FB forum and how it helps so many even those who don’t buy Katarina Phang’s products. However, there are people who I believe aren’t “getting it” and I can feel anxious and intense energy in posts.  INVEST in yourself you are worth it and buy Kats classes!!  Be thirsty for becoming the best woman you can be.

I knew buying this class would solidify my change into a truly high value woman.  I knew all of the info already from the group discussion but we need to hear things over and over until it becomes a natural way of being.

This confirmed my acceptance of allowing and showing the men in my life respect of making a commitment on their timeline. I want to be chosen so i’m okay with him working out his issues and tapping some ass until he’s ready. i know i am a woman that has a ton to bring to the table. I’m wife material!!” ~Allison, Nevada


“Hey Katarina – your class “How To Manage Your Emotional Investment When He’s Stepping Up But Hasn’t Claimed You” came just in time. I was cracking up when you said “Just because he’s slower than you doesn’t mean he’s a cheater … or a bad person … or an asshole.” I took a lot of notes.

Acro Yoga man is on a bike trip and has been in touch almost daily since he left … on Tuesday night he wrote: “You know you can always call me if you feel like it, right? If there’s still no sun tomorrow, I won’t get juice for my phone though. Goodnight sexy.”

On a whim I called him last night. He was thrilled to hear from me and thanked me for calling but my anxiety shot through the roof after … the typical “oh I leaned forward, crap, now he’ll know he has me, blah blah blah” and I really had to take a step back today and focus on me. So to hear you say in that class that it was okay to call if he asked but to STAY IN OBSERVATION MODE after to see if it’s BS really helped.

And yes, I have another date tomorrow. To a concert. With another guy who’s truly great. I’m not nearly as physically attracted to him as I am to Acro Man but in some ways I wonder if he’s a better match … so let’s see how well I can chill.” ~Danika, Sweden


“Awesome class as usual Kat. Somehow the universe always sends me exactly the class I need, exactly when I need it. Since I’m such a personal development junkie I tend to listen to a lot of spiritual audios and read a lot of books. Nothing else really has that calming effect on me like listening to one of your classes. This one is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m going to listen again and take notes this time. A Kat class a day keeps the crazy thoughts away. Thanks Kat.” ~Rachel, Alberta


You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

12. How To Breakup Proof Your Relationship After You Get Your Ex Back

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Did you just get your ex back and you are feeling shaky?  Or you are just feeling haunted all the time by the fear of being abandoned by your guy?  This class is for you!  There is no need for that if you understand the power at play here.

Some of the ladies in the group did get their exes back but they broke up again before long. Part of the reasons is the same exact problem keeps recurring. If you have this issues or fear having another breakup, you can’t afford to miss this class.

Some of the reasons that relationships go back to Splitville is you haven’t overcome the very reasons why you broke up the first time around.  It’s like a demon that keeps rearing its ugly head.  Your fear that you’ll break up again often manifests itself as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

True to my core teaching, this is all the mind problems.  Once you overcome the mind, you will be able to conduct your relationship from a healthier and more confident place that nurtures your relationship further.

My classes are very empowering, addictive and transformational representing unique perspectives that aren’t taught anywhere else that make me stand out from the rest and are the reason of my extremely high success rate.

“Listening to my favorite Kat audio: “How to Breakup Proof Your Relationship after He Comes Back.”  The first hour is nothing less than brilliant. She gives detailed information on what it is to really lean back and be a self-fulfilled goddess.  I highly recommend it for you ladies struggling with the cave disappearance that most guys seem to practice…I’m just in awe because all she says just feels so right and true to form – it works! Peace and love!” ~Veronica, Minnesota


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

13. Why Talking Less Makes You An Enigma To Be Unwrapped That Makes Him Smitten

Please write me at if you have problems with payment.  I will send you an invoice.

Are you the Queen Of Feeling Messages? The Queen Of Talking Like There’s No Tomorrow? How has it been working for you? This class is designed just for you!  You need this class like yesterday (and you wouldn’t have seen him fading like a rainbow).

Talking less is one of the whys my method works like a charm. Much relationship advice centers around communication, how to express yourself so you get what you want, etc… And truth be told none of that advice ever works with men! If it had I wouldn’t have been here on my soapbox. Men see talking from a woman as a means of control, more often than not. The more masculine you are the less you are inclined to hear what people have to say about what you should do. So this class will address why using a female POV on a guy will only backfire. You gotta meet them at their level which means to communicate in a way they understand: not with words but distance and actions!

This class specifically addresses a term widely used in my method: downgrading. Many women are too scared to downgrade without having the talk first. I explain why it works so much better if you just keep your mouth shut.  Counterintuive?  You bet.

“Ladies, just listened to “Why Talking Less Makes You an Enigma To Be Unwrapped That Makes Him Smitten” for the second time. It’s pure gold! I am inspired to embrace the silence. In fact, I started listening while getting ready with my headphones in. My BF interrupted me to talk and I was already feeling the vibe of the class. He was all flirty like, “what are you smiling about?” and drew me into a big, tight hug! I just said “bye babe,” kissed him and headed out the door to work. Already working! <3″ ~Kenzie, Atlanta

“Ok, I’ve just finished listening to this class. Seriously – if you don’t already have it, you need to get it now. It is worth the money. I am not joking, it is an instant energy shift. The class will make you realise why things you have been doing haven’t been working and why you are feeling distance in relationships with guys. Amazing!!!! Thank you, Katarina Phang.

And I feel like I’m on IDGAF island after listening. Just hope I can stay there, this is much nicer than a balled up anxious mess!!

It took me ages to get it. I should’ve bought it 6 months ago, do not delay!! I’d rather eat Ramen for a week and get the class then continue wasting my energy!

I’ve been in this group for months now and always thought I could get by with the info on the blog and the support of the group (they are both great btw), but it doesn’t compare to the class. I honestly did not expect the mind shift to be so quick :).

Oh please please please get Kat’s class Talking Less! It will seriously save your sanity and likely your relationship!!” ~Lulu, Australia

“I just finished listening to this class last night.  Such a foreign concept as I can suffer from word vomit.  It makes a lot of sense though.  I’ve been playing with the idea this past week but now I have a much clearer understanding of the science behind it.  Way easier and less stressful than my old non-serving way.  Now I even understand why I was talking so much also. I’m learning. I’ll be listening to this a few more times too.  This stuff is literally changing my life in every way.  Thank you Katarina Phang.” ~Tiara, Melbourne

“Holy WOW. Just listened to the “Talk Less” goddess monthly and all I can say is WOW WOW WOW. So many things were on point and clicked. Highly recommend any of you ladies who aren’t monthly subscribers to purchase this one! Katarina Phang, you always amaze me, but this one was so spot on about the male psyche and us females not taking things personally. The best one yet!

“It will take men time to feel comfortable with you, enough where they are willing to let go of their safety cushion (other women/dating accts) to fall back on. But this isn’t about him not loving you, it’s his own issues and fear of losing his independence.” ~Leslie, Ontario

“I got the Talking Less class… and it only took about 20 minutes of listening to feel a HUGE amount of relief from my EUM anxiety and like, “okay, I can do this!” I’m going to listen again as I pack up my office (we’re moving) and take notes this time! Katarina just makes so much sense! (I also now know that there is a good chunk of common posters that clearly haven’t listened to her classes, at least this one!) LADIES! GET THE CLASSES!

I feel better that he still has his profile up after hearing the rationale behind it… (especially since we’re still *undefined* despite his “fishing”)…” ~Judy, Texas

An awesome call!  All these classes are worth every cent. And when I slip up I relisten.  This is probably your best class yet.” ~Lily, New Mexico

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):


14. How To End The Cycle Of Toxicity In Your Relationship

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Relationship isn’t for the faint of heart. It will shake, rock and stir you like no other. It will trigger your most buried wounds and insecurities. Hence relationship is the breeding ground for all your issues/wounds to come up and you will attract and be attracted to someone on the same level of woundedness so you can heal each other….or not.

Many people stay in toxic relationship and are stuck in that cycle of codependency for ages. Till you are sick of it and want to change yourself, nothing is going to ever change. This class will reveal to you how your own toxicity will bring out the toxicity in your partner and it will re-enforce each other in a feedback loop. The same “toxic” man will respond differently to an emotionally healthy woman.

My partner Joe was in this class to drive this point home. Why? Because he was in a very toxic abusive relationship with his ex. And this very same man treats me like a queen. We don’t fight. Same man, different women.  And you, too, can change the jerk that he is by changing your energy.

Whether a man is a Prince Charming or a frog, it pretty much depends on whether you are a ball buster or a feminine Goddess.

You will be mind blown how simple and powerful my teaching is.  My method has helped thousands of women get the relationship they want and deserve.  Just a little tweak from this class will be enough to make a difference in your relationship. He will appreciate and cherish you for getting him.

“Great teleclass last night Kat!  You and Joey are so cute ;).  He provided so many great insights from a man’s point of view.  You brought up a point that really stuck with me. Your man will either be a prince or a frog in the relationship all depending on how you act towards him. Joe gave such great examples on how he is a totally different guy with you than he was with his ex.

Now on my end of things. I found you in the end of July. The biggest thing I’ve learned this week is that we will all have relapses and setbacks. Most guys can be forgiving and will forget if you have a freak out on a rare occasion. I had a disagreement with my guy this week which was of course due to my reacting.  I was definitely not in a goddess moment that day and I kept thinking “Kat would not be happy with the way I’m acting right now”

As we reconciled my guy said the most unbelievable thing. He told me, with tears in his eyes, that when he comes to visit his parents, who are out of town, that his Mom tells him with tears of happiness that he’s becoming a better man and starting to get back to the son she once knew before he went down a bad path of drinking and dating girls that weren’t right for him when he went off to college.

We’ve been seeing each other for six months and I haven’t met his Mom yet. What really struck me is that he said she started telling him this three months ago (when I found Kat!) He told me he wants to strive to do better because I inspire him to do so by working on myself.

He knows about Kat (not that many details about our group though; what’s said here stays here) and sees the changes I’ve made. I know that he’s changed for the better because I’m changing too. And I owe all that to you Katarina Phang ! Having Joe on last night couldn’t have come at a better time for me :).  Thank you xoxo” ~Stella, Chicago

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

15. Goddess Interview: Anabelle, How To Get Your Ex Back And Not to Become A One-Down After He’s Back

Please write me at if you have a problem with the payment link.  I will send you an invoice.


UPDATE: She got engaged to her former ex in February 2019 and now married.

This class is also a Goddess Interview with Anabelle.  The reason I put it here is because I coached her life on how to manage her occasional anxiety after she got her guy back so she could maintain her equal footing and not slide back into a one-down position (the person who is more invested in the relationship).  She was having a drinking issue that caused him to pull back and she spiraled down deeper into anxiety that caused their relationship to unravel.

He left after a great beginning because he didn’t know how to deal with her drinking.  They broke up for 10 months and thanks to leaning back they have been back together for almost 5 months now.

Things have been great -he’s been even talking about moving in and buying a house together- but she still has some shaky moments when she feels he’s not as affectionate as usual, expecting the other shoe to drop…again.

If you have are troubled by similar issues, you don’t want to miss this class because in this call I advised her on how to go through troubling emotions like anxiety without acting on it.  And the one thing that keeps a man attracted to you that you must do.  It’s 1 hour 41 mins long.

“I hope the ladies benefit from our talk, I don’t even know what I said!  Thank you for the advice and kind words.  Last night Matt jokingly referred to himself as my “husband” lol.

Love ya, Kat!” ~Anabelle, Los Angeles


Just finished listening to Anabelle‘s interview.  Pure gold–she is so sweet and insightful. Loved this nugget “Nothing’s ever gonna be solved by freaking out” that Katarina dropped, too! ~ Kenzie, Atlanta


“The Goddess Interview with Anabelle that was recorded last week was excellent! Really opened my eyes about strategizing and controlling! I didn’t even realize I was living my life like that so much! Not JUST with guys I wanted. I think every email I sent last week was controlling- trying to get someone to do or not do something. Or do it faster. I never realized that was control. I don’t want to do that as much. And I don’t want to do that with men. To try to get them to like me or pick me. Gross. I’m done. Pick me or don’t. 🙂 I’m going to be grateful for what comes to me and chooses me. And let go.” ~Anette, Florida


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

16. What Is Polarity And How to Keep Your Relationship Polarized

What is polarity?  Here’s one of the definitions according to

“Polarity is a relationship between two opposite characteristics or tendencies, like the polarity of two sides of a debate, or of the superhero and villain in a comic book.

Polarity can literally refer to a positive or negative electric charge. Less literally, it indicates something with two opposing but related qualities.

You might visualize polarity as a battery holder with a plus sign on one end and a negative on the other. More than just opposites, polarity suggests opposites that are interconnected. What would the light of day be without the dark of night? Good without evil? Yin without Yang?”

Here’s the definition by Oxford Dictionaries:

1. The property of having poles or being polar: it exhibits polarity when presented to a magnetic needle.

2. The relative orientation of poles; the direction of a magnetic or electric field: the magnetic field peaks in strength immediately after switching polarity.

3.  The state of having two opposite or contradictory tendencies, opinions, or aspects: the polarity between male and female the Cold War’s neat polarities can hardly be carried on.

4.  Biology: The tendency of living organisms or parts to develop with distinct anterior and posterior (or uppermost and lowermost) ends, or to grow or orient in a particular direction.

Now, can you see where I’m going with this?

I’m the expert in feminine/masculine dynamics and in implementation of polarity in relationship.

Polarity is the way of nature.  You see it in every aspect of life: night and day, strong and soft, masculine and feminine.

Relationships -even gay relationships- need polarity to survive.  The reason my teaching has been so successful is because it follows this very principle religiously.

To attract masculine men and to keep them attracted, you have to be their polar opposite.

If you are the yang (masculine) in relationship and you don’t want to change or are okay being the yang, then you can only attract men who shine in their yin energy (feminine).

Masculine guys will be repelled by you.  Or they will friend zone you.

If you are a feminine woman, you can’t be sexually attracted to beta men cause there is no polarity that ignite the sparks.  So you two are in the friend zone territory.  

So in other words non friend zone territory is when the polar opposites are fully charged with opposite currents (imagine a magnetic field).

When you understand this law, you will see why your relationships have fallen apart and how you can strengthen the bond by keeping the polarity alive.

The loss of polarity is the beginning of a loss of attraction and thus….splitsville.  Every relationship (including gay relationship) has to be polarized to remain intact. The yin and yang have to come together.

Magnetic draw is between positive and negative polar opposites. Two negatives/positives will repel each other. Quite the same way, two masculine energies will collide. Two feminine energies won’t go anywhere (imagine having two people who are followers or leaning back in relationship).

This is the basic principle of what I teach that has been proven to be so wildly successful and in this class I will explain it how you implement this in daily applications with your man or the men you date.

My partner Joe is a guest star in this class and shares our moments of challenges of what polarity means to us and how to keep it alive. You don’t want to miss this class (like all my classes) cause they’re very educational, enlightening and empowering.   

“Thank you Katarina Phang! I listened to the polarity class yesterday. I felt relaxed and had taken all afternoon to myself. Suddenly, the one who brought me here asked me how my weekend was going. Then we started flirting and he asked me to come over for dinner. I just said, “Ok….let me get ready.”

I took a shower and dressed comfortably and went to see him. He made me a wonderfully delicious meal we drank wine, and talked and laughed and it was so relaxed. I listened to what he said, I followed his lead and I, FOR ONCE, didn’t try and DO anything.

He was so attentive, supportive and kind. Then we went to the couch and watched a movie. I was not trying too hard, just being present and truly and honestly enjoying myself. He was hugging me and I was just happy to be in his arms. He grabbed me and said “Clothes off.” It was all he could do to get me off orally. We got naked and finished watching the movie. He said, “when the movie is over it’s fun time.” He poured me some more wine, and I said, “I won’t be ok to drive.” he said, “You’re not leaving tonight.” WOW!

The movie finished and he said, “are you ready for fun?” I said,”Yes, I trust you.” He got up and I walked to the bedroom and he walked to the staircase. He called for me and I followed him downstairs where he has a pool table. We played naked pool! It was so much fun. Then we went back up stairs and he told me to wait in the kitchen as he went into the bedroom. A while later he came out and got me.. HE DREW ME A BUBBLE BATH!!! Candles and music too!!!! Holy f’ing wow! I got in and he got a washcloth and washed my back, and then got in with me. I just completely relaxed on him. Didn’t do a dang thing. He was all over me. I just told him how much I appreciated and trusted him and how happy I was. He was beaming.

Then we took a shower and went to bed. Last year I never spent the night He pleased me over and over orally and he couldn’t get enough. We went to sleep and he cuddled me until I fell asleep. Then I woke up got some water, he reached for me and I wrapped my arms around him and fell back asleep. We woke up today and made love once in bed and again in the shower. I went home feeling cared about…but not attached. Oh what I have learned!

It was so much fun. Now, I’m going to have have brunch with the girls and dinner with a rotation guy. It’s amazing what happens when you make space. Awesome.” ~Daisy, California

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (my hourly rate is $499/hr so this is a steal):


17. Goddess Interview: Pamela, How She Ended An Abusive Relationship And Got Engaged Twice In A Year

This class is also a Goddess Interview with my client Pamela, who left her fiancée and got engaged 2 months later to another man, that coincidentally touched another subject worth dissecting: abusive relationship. She’s one of my numerous miracles and contributed to 2 of the 50 engagements in 2015. Here’s her story: “Hi Katarina, I’m kind of embarrassed to post this in the group… but I cancelled my wedding and engagement. What happened is I got engaged in April to my EUM after 4 years of on and off -and then really off for a solid nine months in which I had 2 minor relationships and then full roll onto a great rotation of good guys. Things were moving along we had a wedding date of November 7. In August we moved in together for the first time and things started to really unravel. Yes, I walked away from it because he was agitated and abusive to my daughter once we moved in together. It was over little things like she didn’t finish all her eggs for breakfast and he wanted her to tip toe around such she did but one Sunday afternoon she ran to the window when kids were playing on the street and he said she was being defiant over his house rules and he went after her. We could not live together. It was too extreme. So I walked away. I gave the ring back… This has been since September. It was super hard for me to give up the dream I was sick over it and embarrassed and ashamed of the failure of it but I am telling you it was a severe event that hit home. I moved out in the first week of September. He had my furniture back the next day. But…the two men from my rotation when I broke up with him came back and… strangely enough I can’t even believe I’m saying this. I can’t believe it’s me or my life but I think it’s your teachings absolutely. I got an engagement ring today so I’m now re-engaged to someone else. He was very upset when I told him back in April that I couldn’t date him anymore because I was engaged. He now said he wasn’t going to let that happen again so he was going to engage me to make sure that he did not lose me like that. I can’t believe this is my life or me. I thought he was joking when he was saying that. And there is another guy in my rotation from before that also came back. And he always seemed very much like the third guy in my rotation. I hardly ever heard from him or anything, all of a sudden he is saying he had been saying earlier this week that he wanted to get engaged by the end of December. He is a nice Greek guy that was in my rotation. Now all of the sudden he said he went to Greece over the summer and came back and made his decision and it was me he wanted for a wife?? I don’t know what’s happening with me!! Is it Four Components Of Melting His Heart??? But now I’m engaged again so I can’t get engaged to him and I can’t even believe it, Katarina. I feel humbled and I’m shocked. I don’t know why they are feeling like this. My new fiancee said, “I don’t know what you have done. Did you put a spell on me?” His mom said “What did you do to my son?!” She said she never saw him so smitten or heartbroken when I came off the market in April. Then when we were out on a date he asked me what happened between us, why did I run off and get engaged. He had wished I would have dated him longer cause he had really liked me (I had zero expectations of him because I was busy). I didn’t realize his experience with our dates was so happy for him. I didn’t care. He said he had been so happy with me. I had fun with him, he took me on great dates! He was shorter than men I usually date and I didn’t think he would want to start over with a young child. I gave it that much thought, therefore I just went out time after time and enjoyed every experience with him not thinking of him as someone I would continue with or not. I didn’t think he wanted marriage or anything. He was happy with me and I was busy with my rotation. I had a good time with him but I was also having a good time with other people and not taking too much of what he was saying seriously. He was pretty upset when I suddenly told him I couldn’t see him anymore he said that he wished I would have given him more chance and more time. I said, but you know my guy showed up with a ring. I said yes so I couldn’t see anybody else anymore and he said “Well, what if I get you a ring because the time that you were gone I really missed you and I didn’t date anybody else like you and if I get you an engagement ring and we get engaged will you not run off like that again.” He said he’s the marrying kind. He asked me what kind of ring I would like and today said he had thought about it as it’s a big decision but he wants to be engaged and get married sometime this summer :))))) He said, I will make you happy if you just tell me what you want. I’m speechless and I feel humbled I don’t know how to even explain it to anybody. I haven’t done anything. I haven’t even cooked this man a meal. I sign up for the monthly membership and Four Components Of melting His Heart, read the book and lurk in this group every day for pearls of wisdom and serenity. This has all changed me profoundly. Like I said I am in total disbelief this is me and my life but I’m extremely happy :))) I bow down to you, Katarina:)” So, are you in an abusive relationship and stuck in it cause you are too scared of the unknown? Learn from Pamela how she pulled this off with so much confidence. This 95 min class will also guide you on how to identify an abusive relationship. There are 8 clear signs that a man is abusive. Unfortunately abusers and abusees work in tandem. Both enable each other in a cycle of codependency. Unless you are emotionally healthy yourself, you may now know you are in an abusive relationship and even if you know, you may not have the power to leave as many many women don’t.

“I will probably need to listen to this one 5 more times” ~Natalie, New Mexico































































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































18. What Does A Path Of No Resistance Look Like and How It Paves Success In Both Career And Love

Why are you in pain?  Cause you want to escape from what is.  If you surrender and be one with what is, there will be no pain and suffering.  It’s very simple.

I can’t even relate anymore with average people with problems cause I have none. And it’s all about attitude. I don’t mull about yesterday, I don’t obsess about the future, I don’t think what ifs. I just face and be totally immerse in what is in front of me. No separation, no conflict. Be totally one with what is unraveling in the moment whatever that is. No wanting things to be different. No anticipating anything in the future, near or far. I do what I can when I want. When I don’t want to, it doesn’t even cross my mind. And if I can’t I don’t think about it till I can. That is when your life becomes your meditation.

When you are done with the garbage of the mind, you have this immense intelligence within you waiting to rock the world cause all your energy is focused on creating, instead of worrying that depletes it. Any movement away from “what is” is the depletion of energy. The happiest people in the world are those who know about energy conservation.

This sums it up why I teach a way that makes you the master of all your relationships, because you are the master of yourself.

And this is what the path of no resistance is all about.

The path of no resistance is the core principles that I teach that has been proven to give me and many of my clients the kind of life we want, especially romantically however this is also the principle that has given much success in my career.  How you can get everything without stresses and anxiety? In fact the key of getting what you want is when you live life without all those things. That’s why it’s called the path of no resistance.

So I’d like to share the secrets of my success, how to lean back and become a goddess in both love and career. How you can enjoy the journey and still get to the destination without stresses, pressure and being enslaved by goals. The less you feel distressed which means the less are in your head in whatever you do, the better the result is, that sums up my philosophy of life.

In this class I reveal the seven traits any success, romantically or professionally, some of them are deliberate actions and thinking and being in the state of flow.  What do they mean?

If you love my classes, you will be mind blown by this as well!

“Hi ladies! I’ve been lurking for several months and finally created an alternate account so I can post without fear of being discovered. I live in a tiny town and everybody knows everybody. I felt compelled to share my story after listening to Kat’s class on the path of no resistance. I can already tell this class is going to be life changing.

I’ve done Journey Inward. I’ve read the book. I’ve listened to other classes, including the high value woman class, and they were all helpful. But I kept falling back into old habits and I realized that while I understood the concepts intellectually, I didn’t really “get it” emotionally.

I was using everything as a strategy rather than changing how I think about myself and my place in the universe. No resistance changed all that. Now I finally FEEL Kat’s message and even though I still have a lot of work to do, I’m already feeling more peaceful.

For example, my EUM is out of town and I’ve been determined to not initiate contact when he returns because that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? I wasn’t truly leaning back; I was strategizing. No surprise that I’ve been feeling anxious about my ability to handle the silence if he doesn’t contact me as soon as he’s back it town.

After listening to the class (twice) it finally hit me – I don’t need to worry about this. If he’s supposed to contact me, he will. It’s totally out of my control and I don’t need to do anything to make it happen if it’s supposed to happen. It’s stupid to worry about how to respond to a theoretical text that may never come because I have no way of knowing what he will write, or how I will feel in that moment, or when that moment might happen.

I mean, I’m going to feel very differently if he texts tomorrow versus six months from now. The most significant thing I learned during this class is that what I call daydreaming is resistance and It hurts me.

I’ve been practicing deliberate thinking and action for only a day and I already feel better. When he pops into my head, I tell myself I’m not entertaining thoughts of him right now and it works! And now I am looking back at my notes from all the classes and the book and suddenly everything makes sense to me.

I know I was meant to purchase that class (after I had decided I was done spending money on this stuff) because it was what I needed to pull everything together in my head. I’m so grateful the right message appeared when I was ready to listen.

I’m not naive enough to think there won’t be bad days and weak moments ahead, I’m just not worrying about them right now. I’ll deal with it when it happens instead of making it worse by anticipating it.

This group is amazing and I’ve learned so much about myself and relationships from reading your posts. I’m glad I’m out of hiding and can participate in the discussion.” ~Beth, Iowa


“This class is very good it’s like you are talking to me directly. So true What you resist persists.

I learnt that depression and anxiety comes from thinking and worrying about the past and future outcomes. Outcome attachment robs you of your happiness because you are resisting the process. Future based thinking sets you up for unhappiness if not enjoying the journey to your aim in life.

Really this point I heard before but yours is a very good explanation in this class. I am goal orientated and sometimes I forget to enjoy the journey and get fixated on the outcome which causes all sorts of problems or a certain pathway how I think things should be. Which goes back to what you resist persists.” ~Helen, London


“I <3 this class.

My favorite quote: ‘The mind is like a knife. It can hurt you if you’re not careful, but If you know how to use it, it is a useful tool.  Someone who has realized the illusory nature of the mind can use the knife to create something amazing.’ (paraphrasing cause I’m sleepy.;))” ~Rachel, North Dakota


“Oh my Kat!!!!! I just listened to your class “What does a path of no resistance look like and how it paves success in both career and love” and its like I received a breath of fresh air!!!!!

I thought I was awaken in all aspects of life but realized at work I was letting my mind take the lead.  This resulted in me perceiving outcomes and peoples behaviors and opinions causing so much stress, worry and anxiety.  Just because I allowed my mind to dictate what is true and real at work.

It’s so empowering and freeing when you understand your mind is just a tool and you can use it in any way that benefits you and that you dont have to be a slave to it as you are the master! Our main objective is just to gracefully and gratefully accept what unfolds in front of us and be in the moment with it!

Wow, what a powerful life changing class!!!! Thank you!!! Xxx” ~ Rose, Alaska


“There’s a gem, ladies, in Kat’s recent “path of no resistance” class.  It’s like a mini Journey Inward.  Highly recommended.  What a great class! Can’t wait to listen again.” ~Leah, Wyoming

“Great class today Kat! Always appreciated and always well timed 🙂 xoxo” ~Stephanie, Los Angeles

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

19. The Healthy Approach To Sex That Is Attractive To Men: It’s Not What You’ve Been Told All Your Life

Sex opens the gate to a deeper connection because it’s a vehicle for bonding and communication, but your feminine magnetism seals the deal because you bring so much more than sex to the table.  So when you treat sex like your enemy, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.  You are not allowing for a relationship to unfold naturally by erecting barriers.  If you are perpetually single, it’s probably because you are not in touch with your feminine sexuality which is a gift, not something to be shameful or guilty about.

My client Gina wrote me this email:  “Hey my darling. Thought I would write to you an update. Finally something positive. I can only say one word. Rotation.

And when you used to tell me to have a rotation it was the most frustrating thing because it seemed so easy to you and if it was that easy to find someone hot I wouldn’t be in that position. But this is what I realized that you may want to share (anonymously to your friends).  

For people who are/were extremely depressed the pervasive feeling is that it’s so hard to meet people in a cocoon. But here’s the thing. It comes across as stubborn. It’s not.

It’s just that we literally don’t know how to do things differently. To turn our brain off. To meet people. To feel unafraid. Even with the constant meditation. But recently I learned something that has been so key that my French spiritualist taught me. It’s a French saying “l’appétit vient en mangeant.” 

That literally translates to ” the appetite comes while you are eating.” 

For people in depression like me this was so key to rise out of it.  Because we who obsess live in an alternate universe. The universe that doesn’t allow us to make choices so we think everything will turn out wrong. I know for you who has a basically positive nature this is difficult to fully comprehend.

But the reason why this French phrase helped me is because I forced myself to meet up with dates I didn’t really like. Or wasn’t really thinking of them long term. I didn’t see anyone on line that interested me and it kept the depression going.

Then I took a tantric yoga course and got into this concept that sensuality is vital for life and you can enjoy simple touch or hugs or even intimate conversation with someone you don’t even see yourself with.

You can live in the moment and the whole idea of western “union” or marriage or commitment is truly forgotten because tantra focusses so much on pleasure as medicine. Or conversation with the opposite sex as for the moment only.

My search for the partner was seriously interjected when I began to enjoy people for people. And here in enjoying a guy who I knew I would never want to be with long term has helped me stopped the judging and to have more compassion for human beings in general.

I truly believe for people who are severely depressed intimacy is the exact thing that’s lacking and is vital in healing. Anxiety does not leave through the door of the mind or even the door of the heart it leaves through the door of togetherness. And if it’s short term it’s ok.

So needless to say the appetite did come while I ate and I am gathering a rotation slowly and realized it’s my food so for right now to quote will Ferrell I am on WHORE ISLAND and having fun. 

Yes I do little obsessions here and there over a few of the guys but I am aware at least that the only reason we ever obsess is we put people on pedestals because we aren’t aware of our greatness not because that person is so friggin great. 

So baby steps for me. It has been very hard but I guess it was just my path. I’m reading your stuff every day and chilling.  Thanks my darling. Sending you a big grateful hug.”

This is a very insightful email that I just have to share it with you all.  Sex is a huge part of our humanity and our human condition but so much stigma has been attached to it.  

For most of our lives, we have been conditioned to believe that sex -unless it follows certain protocol- is shameful, dirty and sinful.  And we are carrying this baggage throughout our adult lives feeling that we are being watched for every single move we make with our body, particularly our genitals.

That’s a huge burden upon anyone’s shoulder and any wonder if that causes so many complications in our lives?  We are hung up on being sexually virtuous denying our most basic instinct.  We are conflicted between our genetic makeups and what “should be” (asexual, not horny, extremely guarded and “good and moral” when it comes to the decision to channel our desire or not).

We are a walking contradiction.  

No wonder it messes up with our heads.

If you have followed me a while you’ll notice that I’m among very few coaches who have a very positive approach toward sex. Sex has been the source of shame and guilt for many women and this has created so much problem in dating and relationship. And this is why many relationships don’t flourish (trade sex for commitment, anyone?).

What I’m teaching you in this class is so very counterintuitive like everything I teach, yet it has been proven to work beyond the shadow of a doubt. You don’t want to miss this empowering sex education that will reprogram your mind re. sex.  My partner Joe is also in the class and he answers typical questions about sex from a male POV.

Some of the stuff that is discussed in this fun class is:

  1. when is the right time to have sex
  2. how men view sex and women who put out very readily and if it affects their desire to pursue anything with them, double standards re. sex (if he does it he’s a stud, if she does it she’s a slut)
  3. sex in relationship
  4. if sex really bonds men to a woman and does it help relationship flourish
  5. what if you feel shitty after sex
  6. what if he disappears after sex
  7. is there something called giving the cookie too soon (or too late)
  8. can you hold out and still get the guy
  9. sex within your rotation (is it okay to have sex with multiple men)
  10. the consequences of not having sex for an extended period of time
  11. the relationship between sex or lack thereof and depression/anxiety
  12. what if he wants to leave each time after sex or if you don’t hear from it again after sex, etc….

This is such an entertaining and educational class that runs 1 hours 45 mins with super juicy content you will not hear anywhere else.  Certainly one of my favorites!  I truly enjoyed giving and listening to this class.  It’s politically incorrect but it is what works.  I don’t teach what is “right,” I teach what works and my results speak for me.

“OMG, this class is a riot!  I’m so loving it.  And Katarina is right, she doesn’t hold back and that’s what I love about her.  She says it as is….and I’ve been skittish about sex all my life.  Not anymore thanks to Kat.  I love my life more these days cause it’s shamelessly fun.” ~Sarah, New Jersey


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

20. Goddess Interview: Layla, How She Saves Her Marriage Alone
“So I have been focusing on me even more so since my husband and I have reconciled…working out, going out to dinners, attending trainings for work etc. I even attended a Saturday training for work yesterday which did not give my husband and I much opportunity to see each other since he was at work when I got home. He arrived from work about midnight and came upstairs with 2 beers (I love beer) and popcorn because he thought I was still awake. I did not know any of this until he told me this morning. He woke up, took a shower and woke me up by kissing me all over and having such passionate sex. He said, “I missed you!”. That’s the first time he has said that in months.Ladies, continue to lean back and take care of you. It shifts everything.” ~Layla, Florida

That was Layla’s latest update of her reconciliation with her husband, two weeks after their Vegas Anniversary getaway. Only a week or so before their getaway Layla was so anxious about the uncertainty of their marriage but she stuck to the path of no resistance that I teach and not reacting on her hurt feelings and anxiety. She reaped the rewards after only 2 months working with my programs. In the interview she matter-of-factly said that the marital counseling wouldn’t have helped her marriage had she not been working on herself. The only thing she got from the counseling was the fact that she got to hear her husband’s feelings cause otherwise he didn’t talk much at all and she was left wondering what was going on, if he was going through with the divorce as he first intended to do. Wanna learn how my method has saved many marriages/relationships? And how a woman is the emotional leader in relationship and you as a woman can save your relationship ALONE. Yep, alone. That’s my proven trademark. Many don’t understand why it only takes one person to save a relationship and it’s usually the woman who holds the key. Listen to this enlightening class and feel a powerful shift within you that saving your marriage/relationship is a matter of when, not if, if you practice what I teach. Learn the unique and most counter intuitive lessons in love and relationship you won’t find anywhere else from a wizard coach who has given birth to 68 engagements in the last 2.5 years.

“It was such an awesome class. This is such a teaching for where I came from. We didn’t go so far in him wanting to leave me but I was nagging also because I was unhappy and didn’t know… Thanks!!” ~Julie, the Netherlands































































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































21. How To Detach From The Grip Of The Ego And Why Detachment Is Key

Everyday I read the heartbreaking sobs of the ladies in the group for feeling sad, lost, anxious, depressed cause they aren’t getting what they want…or what their mind thinks they want. It’s a real problem that will actually hinder the fulfillment of their desire. That’s the paradox of life. When you desire something you attach a thought to that desire or the fulfillment of that desire. The thought whatever it is is untrue. You believe in your thought based on what? Wishful thinking, memories, fantasy, conditioning, fulfillment seeking, ideas…not reality here now. You glorify the effect of fulfilling your desire but whatever it is never lasts (the great sex never lasts if you think you can prolong the sexcapade by marrying him or whatever reason you have in mind like lifetime romance, maybe?). This is how people live their lives: buried in thoughts. I don’t live my life like that anymore cause I SEE the nature of thoughts. I’m no longer sold by thoughts. The minds seeks the extension of pleasure permanently and it will never get it cause nothing is permanent. One can’t just enjoy the fun experience now without wanting more of the same every day. If you see yourself doing it you can nip it in the bud but most don’t have control upon that cause they are duped by this drug called the mind. One who sees this seeks no more. One just allows things to unravel whatever they are in the moment and observe with a detached yet curious mind: a beginner’s and innocent mind (innocent doesn’t mean stupid). Cause one seeks no more there is no drive to pine, want, obsess. It is extinct (hence it’s called Nirvana which means “blown out, extinguished”). It’s complete equanimity. One is one with the flow of life. Don’t miss this class cause it might be the answer to your predicament.

“It was very good for me where I am in my journey. I have an anxious attachment style, and this pulled me out of that almost instantly. I was at peace for about 5 hours after the class. Heard from my EUM and had a nice light and breezy text conversation (no expectations) where he shared more than usual… family oriented stuff about his son. Today, I’m feeling a little anxious not hearing from him, but I’ve handled it really well. I would recommend it for anyone who places too much emphasis on others for their happiness!” ~Melissa, New Orleans
“This was a great explanation of why your mind diverts you with ideas of the future that don’t exist, or warnings about the past that are no longer valid. How staying In the present moment is the only way to enjoy life and those who are with you. No ones life is “normal”‘or “perfect”, everyone lives with all the ups and downs. Anything you really want has in it both the positive and negative aspects. Once you no longer desire, you’re more alive.I’m still practicing all of this. This was a great lesson in correcting my perception of life. Thanks Kat” ~Nina, Vermont
“I loved it! I didn’t speak (I was at brunch when it actually ran, listened to the replay right afterward), but there was such a great discussion amongst the ladies that did! I think it translates well into our non-dating/men/relationship lives as well.” ~Jen, Atlanta
“I feel amazing! I have been focusing on myself and got the power back Yayyyy!!!!! I’m a goddess mofo. I took my parents and friends out to dinner and didn’t call or message my EUM even once the whole weekend.He’s wondering what’s up with me LOL…Katarina Phang, your last class put things in major persepective for me. Ladies live as if we are single even though you are involved with an EUM. Take the power back.Have a good trip. Today’s call was amazing and so powerful. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.” ~Rebecca, Idaho































































You can now purchase this powerful class for $87 or $77 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































22. How To Let Go And Why Letting Go Is So Hard To Do

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Many of you are so entangled in your attachment to a lukewarm or uninterested man it makes your situation much more complicated that it actually is had you been not clinging so hard….

To understand letting go, first you have to understand struggle. Letting go only exists when there is a struggle. What is a struggle and why do we struggle?

Struggling is a human trait. Only human beings struggle. Animals unless in the time of survival (like when they are hunted by their predators) don’t. At least they don’t emotionally cause they don’t have a self.

To struggle requires a psychological self. Only very advanced animals like human beings have psychological selves. And this very statement brings about the intuitive feel that psychological selves are a bunch of poo poo, does it not? They’re totally made up.

Where are they made up in? In your head.

So to struggle requires evolution. It requires complexity. The brain evolves to allow us better means at survival: more technologies, more amenities, more comfort, more productivity etc. Yet with the evolution of the brain, it comes with a hefty price: the ability and propensity to struggle because the brain is prone to conceptualize and attach to its own conceptualization. And these two…and nothing else…cause us to struggle.

When you are one with the rhythm of life, you stop expecting anything coming from life cause you will just observe, notice and recognize. So you allow life to unfold the way it’s supposed to unfold without your striving and efforts to make it otherwise. So instead of expecting life to fit an idea that you have of what life is (should be) you jump into life with a curiosity of a 5 year old. Bring it on! Let me see what the day has in store for me.

So letting go is the absence of striving for letting go.

“What a wonderful class!  I just listened to it.

 I hadn’t thought of the concept of expectations as “struggling” and of it being a societal thought process. I now see it in the dating realm. One guy recently told me that I had not reached egolessness yet.  I didn’t care.

He couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t “bite” at his challenge.  But it wasn’t my challenge, so I just continued doing what I was doing.  I watched his mind jump around like a monkey, trying to bring drama to the situation.  I just didn’t respond.

Finally, he said that it was “a great conversation.”  I realized it was a conversation with himself.  I was calm and peaceful.  Thanks Kat for pointing this out today.  It seems like I’ve made progress.” ~Nancy, New York

“Good class!  And a good reminder. I’ve been letting my mind rule me.  Thoughts that are not reality just silly stories.  Thanks, Kat.  

I was thinking that when I was a teenager my mom wasn’t strong enough to handle me.  She admits this.  I had become angry and rebellious.  Looking back now I see I just wish I had a strong woman to show me and guide me and not run from my anger which I see now was fear.  

I’ve been afraid all my life. You can handle me and be honest yet you have been kind and I really appreciate you coming into my life.  Thank you, Katarina Phang” ~Renee, Vancouver


“The class was excellent!!! And I don’t get a commission. Lol!” ~Layla, Florida 


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

23. Why You Are Anxious and How To Overcome It

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

“My journey goes back a little. We had started dating, going out, having sex, I was a jealous anxious mess. I’d go through rages and hit him when we were out, he let it go, before I found Kat I was doing it all wrong, claiming him before he claimed me, drunk text harassing him, over invest, over give, drove him away to another women and he blocked me from everything, I turned him mean towards me, he couldn’t stand me, I lost all hope.

I let his relationship run it’s course, he came back to me slowly because the other girl was extremely crazy and he cared for me just didn’t like my ways. He claimed me, we’d spend everyday together, but I got too comfortable, then days he’d pull back I’d be an anxious mess, text him like 100 times a day, accuse him of things, not give him space.

I ended things with him, changed my number on him, 2 weeks I returned to try to do things differently, contacted him, we talked, he said the way I went on him was wrong and the things I texted him. I leaned back, after we seen each other, even though I was a mess in this group, Kat told me if I don’t freak out all the time he’ll miss me, he was slowly reaching out again, on weekends, now weekends and weekdays, calling again, texting more. Now we see each other more and he’s so sweet.

He is definitely a different and good guy. I really do love him. The more I’m laid back and lure with honey, he is becoming so much better to me. I do believe that we can either bring out the best in someone or the ass out of them. People respond to how you act towards them.

I’m truly understanding the meaning of unconditional love for a man. Loving and accepting him for who he is. Glad I followed Katarina Phang she is truly a blessing and if my young EUM, ladies man can change to be more loving to me, any man can. He is also noticing me being more feminine too, because he is definitely showing his protective side through actions and when we lay with each other. I know he is a part of my journey to awaken the true feminine in me and I’m here to awaken his masculinity and goodness. I believe in this man now.

There are no guarantees, but I’m enjoying this right now in this moment.” ~Tasha, New Jersey

Anxiety is the one thing I notice in so many of the women who come to me including Tasha and this is the number one repellent and the main reason why your relationship never lasted or even launched.  Anxiety is a stressor for both of you and people around you. It’s energetically draining and of the lowest vibration. The fact is it’s also an illusion, if only you could see it.

This class will explain why and the five steps that will remedy this situation.  It’s easier than you think.


“A word on Emotions.  I just finished listening to the lesson on Anxiety.  Great class.  Here’s what I tell my clients about emotions, that may be able to help others. Everyone has emotions who is human.  It’s a human condition.  

The problem with this culture is that we think that we can resolve emotions with the mind.  But emotions are body-centered, and therefore have to be resolved by the body, not the mind.  If emotions were dangerous, the whole human race will be dead.

So, it’s important to understand that emotions can be very helpful, because they alert us to what we’re doing, or where we are.  Processing them with our body, allows us to see the situation for what it is, and allows us to react accordingly.  When you feel your emotions within your body, just make them sensations.  That’s all they are.

Allow them to be there without thinking about why they’re there.  Just allow them to be, and the body will process them and they’ll disappear.  I teach this to all of my clients and the male clients pick it up much quicker than the women.

One male client told me yesterday that the Allowing Breath has saved him from making some terrible mistakes with unruly clients. Another one said that his high pressure job is now a lot of fun since he was able to focus on his breath and sensations in his body without grasping onto them.

Ladies, please listen to Kat and practice whatever method you find useful to allow your emotions to dissipate. Your life will change! Blessing to a wonderful teacher and mentor and living the example of who we all want to be.” ~Nina, New York

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

24. Goddess Interview: Kimi, How She Got Her Ex Husband Re-Propose After 5 Year of Divorce & No Contact

I didn’t see it coming. I knew Kimi would be my success story one way or another (cause you can’t fail with my method) but I didn’t think she would get her ex-husband back after 5 years of divorce and no contact. And when she announced that they got back together in November 2015, I still didn’t think he would re-propose that fast. She had been sitting on all my programs the previous 2 years, and in every cycle of Journey Inward, even though she’s on disability and only had little money to spend on courses. We worked it out cause she had been one of my most committed students. And just a few days before this interview he re-proposed! This is her story in her own distinct voice and writing style: “Ladies.., NEVER GIVE UP!! I knew he had been thinking about it, but didn’t know for sure… If or When he’d do it!! Those of you who Know me on here I haven’t posted in while, but I got Back with my ex husband after 5 Very Long Depressing years, and I took ALL of Kat’s classes so I knew What to Do… Nothing fancy with asking me, we were in truck at light by the mall… When he leaned over and kissed me, then ask me, if I Was going to marry him Again.., and I laughed it off thinking he was joking… When he pulled in mall and said, ” you need a ring and you need to pick it!! I said, Your serious aren’t you? And he said Hell yea I’m serious! So we went in and I picked out Any ring I wanted! It was Fun!!! So for those who Don’t know… We were together for 11 years and back when we were partying and drinking and always ended up fighting… And I pushed him away, but once things calmed down, we started seeing each other but I got stupid… And thought I’d find someone Better, I then realized.. What a mistake I made! We had divorce final and then I heard he had a New gf!! So I came by to bring his things, when I seen it was this Awful Bi*ch that I grew up knowing that she chased the last year we were together, his daughter dated her son… So she was always asking her questions and begging her to Fix them up! Well they were dating and I tried warning him and his family… All about her, but they thought I was just a jealous ex wife!!! Well it didn’t take long, for them to a See, what I was talking about! She was So Happy thinking she Got him, that I knew it was only time, and he’d be Done with her!!! It started last year in March that I got him to come over to get some money my son owed him from years ago, and his mom told me he was laid off… So I knew money would get him to come over!! So I called not knowing if she was with him or not.., and he answered it I almost dropped the phone!! I told him I had cash for him and he came right over, but He was Just as nervous as I was!!! Lol.. He came over and we had small talk and he got ready to leave and I wanted to just Grab him… When he ask Me for at least a hug! I was now, about to faint , it was like I was dreaming!! He put his arms around me and even ask me Why I was shaking.., lol. Then he kissed me!!!! I could Feel him melt, the same as I did, I told his mom, All I needed was 5 minutes and I’d have him Sunk, and I Did!!! He’d call me about every 2-3 days, he was trying to help the gf pack cuz he told her she needed to Go! But she kept saying she had No where to go… But after our moment we had, he was determined to get rid of her!!! About 2 weeks later he called and told me he was at Weber’s Inn, most expensive hotel in Ann Arbor and ask me to join him! I was So excited I couldn’t get there Fast enough!!! It was the Best weekend I ever had!!! He knew he was in Deep shit when he got home with her trying to find out where he was!! But he didn’t care anymore!!! So he told her on Saturday he was renting a truck and moving her things, if it was only to storage place! So she got busy packing! Then as soon as he dropped off her things, he called and said to meet him at his house! And I’ve been here ever since!!!!! I Never could have been the partner I am today… If it wasn’t for Katarina Phang, and All the time and money I spent, being In Every class… And read her book about 50 times, it’s weird how each time you read it, I’d learn something I missed the times before!! He still is Amazed at how different I am Now, verses how I was Before!! I use to pout, cry, chase him, accuse him of Everything , and drive him Crazy… Until I met Kat, and healed the inner child from feeling from my mom who I never felt loved the way I wanted and my dad was the silent type who never expressed himself but I knew he Loved me!! Then my 1st marriage that was both physical and verbal abusive which made me afraid to talk about my feelings!! But since years went by… We have become very close, mostly because of kids and grandkids, and he’d invite me to dinner and casino and I had to drive him home one night… And even HE… Ask me, ” if I was to ask you to marry me again… What would you say?” Oh…. My heart sank, and I felt Bad for him because I Had to say NO, even after he’d tried Everything to make it up to me, how Bad he treated me!! But he was ok, but I had to Really Lean back from him!!! But it’s nice that we can be together with All family now!! So to All you ladies out there… Never give up, just work on fixing yourself… Cuz That… Is what will matter the Most, when your With him the next time !! They can Feel, your energy from across the room… If you’ve fixed Yourself to being Full of Life, Love, Happiness , positive vibe you send out… They Will Notice!!! I waited 5 years just for that 1st Hug… Never dreaming it would end up like This!!! I am So Blessed, with getting a 2nd chance of having the life I always wanted with a man who cooks, cleaning, laundry, toilets, mowing grass, keeps a perfect home, so what more could I ask for!! LOL!! So my Fairytale will be coming True.., soon as I set a date!!!” She has grown so much since the 2 years she sat in my programs religiously. Her self-love and self-confidence is so mesmerizing, no wonder he can’t wait to marry her AGAIN! I’m sure you have tons of questions. And because she is one of my most compelling miracles, she is now in the Goddess Interview Series. She is proof that anything is possible with my teachings. No relationship issue is too hard to overcome. And in this class she will tell you what the game changers are.  






























































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































25. Goddess Interview: Wendy, Relationship Timeline: When His Is Much Slower What To Do?

Many of you come to me cause your and your guy’s timeline don’t match. And you read somewhere else how if a man doesn’t commit within 3 months he never will and you get all anxious. He responds to your anxious pressure by pulling away. You, in effect, slows down his timeline even more. Whitney (or Wendy in this article) did the exact same thing and caused them to break up. With my method she got him back months later and slowly but surely he felt safe to lead the relationship again without her constant emotional outbursts. Two years since the day they met, he finally claimed her. It would have been much faster had she been a Kat girl since day one. Don’t make the same mistake, attend the class tonight and learn from Whitney. They’re now expecting a baby girl!! Congratulations, Whitney.






























































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































26. I Made A Blunder….I’m Freaking Out, How Do I Fix This?

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

You got pissed again cause you perceived a slight.  And you reacted…as usual.  You told him how you felt cause you read as long as you used “I” and not “you” this should be okay.

Millions of women have done that…”I feel this,” “I feel that.”   Thousands of them are under my care now.

And he pulls away still, just like when you still said “you did this,” “you did that.”

Nothing has changed and now you’re regretting your (over)reaction only minutes later, so what do you do?

Right, apologizing….  This is the 10th time this month you have been apologizing.

And he said “Don’t be sorry, be different.”

Yup, he doesn’t want your apology.  The more you do it, the more unstable you look to him.  So what to do?

Many of you are so reactive you keep making mistakes that you regret only minutes later.  There is one thing that fixes a mistake like no other, I will reveal in this class what that is. Do you know how men show they’re sorry? I will also reveal in this class through an real-life example of my boyfriend. That’s what you should also do. If you always feel like you’re walking on eggshells, you need this class.

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

27. Goddess Interview: Kellie, Why He Still Dumps You After Being A Goddess And What To Do

“He came back. He showed up at my house last night. Kat said if you don’t freak out he will be back. We talked a while before he spit it out “I want us to try again” I’m happy right now. He held me all night. I feel like this is unreal. We were together a year and broke up for just five weeks. I didn’t contact him ever. Just let him go even though I was hurting. He truly believed that are parenting differences would break us. He admitted that he could step in with my kids and I must be doing something right because his girls love me. I told him since moving in the new house I’ve seriously laid down the law with my son’s back talk and have rules in place (no more free for all). I was in the garage when he pulled up. I admit I melted when I saw him get out of the truck. He didn’t come right out and say it. In fact he just kept saying the same stuff “we were so good. I don’t want things to be awkward if we see each other. I do love you Kellie.” I was prepared for him to go. But he couldn’t stop hugging me and saying sorry. Finally I was like “look you made me very happy. I did not want you to leave but I respect you know what’s best for you. So I accept it and wish you love.” Yes I was crying. He just wiped my tears and pushed my hair out of my face and spit it out “I miss you. I want you and no one else. You are so special to me. We’ll have to get on the same page with the kids, but I want us to try again.” Then he picked me up and hugged me for an eternity until I stopped crying. I didn’t sleep because I just kept looking over and he was there and it was surreal.” ~Kellie, Alaska Kellie is one of the Kat Goddesses who experienced this typical men-getting-cold-feet situation and she managed to get him back by sticking to what I teach. Find out what she did or didn’t do to deal with this breakup the most dignified way that impressed him so much that he realized no other woman compared. This is why my teachings have been responsible with so many exes back and relationships/marriages saved. What I teach is a way of being that will change everything about your life. It will make you happier and more peaceful and in return that lightness of being will mesmerize any guy that crosses your path. And this class is why Jillian also got her ex back after a 6-week breakup! This is 2 + 2 = 4. You can’t fail with my method. You just can’t.

“Ok…. well after following all the advise here from a very few special ladies (you all know who you are) HE IS BACK. Six weeks in total being gone. Now I do not want to make the mistake of jumping right back in so I said we could start over from scratch…like 1st date again (we used to live together) and so I am trying not to over think anything and he is picking me up Saturday night for our “date.” I want to enjoy the journey, not be in my head but I also have to try and let go of what happened.I think what happened was a combination of ex and court stress (which caused the fight which lead to the breakup) and work stress: being overwhelmed and cold feet. He said he made a rash decision (which he did) and never meant anything and now has a lawyer and loves me and misses me etc etc and how sorry he was and how he would like to try again, even just to spend time together. I also admitted and owned my part in it. So now how do I pace this? We had a full life together. I am just unsure how to go about this I guess. I need help cause I don’t want to screw it up cause it was the happiest most healthy and loving relationship I have ever been in. I am trying tell myself to just see how I feel on Saturday and let things unfold organically (I can hear Katarina Phang’s cute and sexy accent in my head saying these things lol) And also I need to thank you, Kat, for the work you do…..this class has caused my ex to return with a vengence.” ~Jillian, Canada































































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































28. How You Play Out The Movie In Your Head And This Is Where All The Drama Comes From

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

When you reflect back on your life, on the pain, anguish, drama, hardship that you have gone through what do you come up with? Stories, right? It’s the stories of the “I.”

I was brought up this way. I experienced this and that and thanks to that I became this way or that way so I perceived the world this way or that way and because of that I acted this way or that way. And thanks to my actions I attracted this person or that person who caused me to be this way or that way, and so on and so forth. You think any event is real the way you describe it, while what you describe is a mere subjective experience called the story of the “I.”

It didn’t actually happen that way. The being lost in the stories is why you become their pawn. Your mind projects the specially written I-movie onto the world. So not only you live a dream but you also created it, but you never realized it…until now that I tell you it was all but an illusion. You never knew you were dreaming. You were playing a role and you didn’t know it.

Get this enlightening class and you will learn to have a drama-free life by just practicing one thing: awareness. You will become awake in the dreams.

“This is my favorite one so far. I always create stories!!!” ~Rhonda, NY


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

29. Doormats, You Need To Bitch Up!

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Typically my clients are the explosive cray cray ball busters or doormats. Also, often they swing between the two in a vicious cycle. But many are total doormats as well. You think he’s all that and you’re not worthy. That’s why he isn’t claiming you and NEVER will till you love yourself first. I feel like pulling my hair out sometimes trying to make you see this.

You become a doormat mostly because of GCS symptom, a term that I coin to explain a woman who gets addicted on a man.  What is that?

You’re always walking on eggshells and are too eager to please cause you can’t imagine losing him, even though he’s taking you for granted. So this is a special class made just for you: “Doormats, You Need to Bitch Up.” Usually my advice is about luring with honey, softening of boundaries and being non-reactive but you doormats have no boundaries whatsoever. You’re just as extreme as the crazy ball busters. You need to come to the middle somewhere to be high-value and easy to lose.

In this class I reveal the 3 types of doormats.  Which one are you, do you know?  And how you can be non-reactive without being a doormat?

“A great class – left me with some good thinking- not too much but enough! 🙂  I definitely identified with the GCS and the notion that I really haven’t been emotionally available either since divorce. As much as I thought that I was- I appreciated your acknowledging that in a compassionate way rather than judging during the Q and A session. It left me to accept that and be OK with it rather than defensive. I will continue with JI and just last week went on match. Definitely more open right now so continuing to move forward…. thanks again- really loved that one! :)” ~Robin, Nebraska

You can now purchase this powerful class for $97 (mind you my private coaching rate is $499/hr and will continue to go up):

30. How To Go Through A Crisis And Stay Grounded At The Same Time

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or other methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Recently when I was on a trip to NY, Canada and Europe my website was hacked and many of my sales in the 2-week period were redirected to the paypal accounts of these thieves. I have lost a few thousand dollars in the process.

That’s life, folks.  Life throws you a learning curve. An asleep person will fight it, get angry at God/life and suffer in the process.  An awake person would ask him/herself: what’s the lesson in it?

That’s what I’ve been asking myself.

There are always teachable moments I can share with you when it comes to my life.   That period has been hard on me.  Not only that this trip had been teaching me so many lessons, more self-discovery and on top of it all patience and non-attachment.

It started when my parents missed their flight, then ended up with a new ticket and flew 31 hours instead of the original 24 hours. Then we came late to pick them up cause road to JFK was under repair so we waited 2 hours only to receive a message from my father that they took a cab and were already in hotel. Then my website was hacked and I lost a few grands in the process. Then I thought I lost my cell just before boarding to Venice (lucky I didn’t but I had surrendered to that as well). Then my father told me he left his new camera and sunglasses in the Toronto hotel.

In this class I’m sharing my journey with you: “How To Go Through A Crisis And Stay Grounded At The Same Time.”  How I still kept myself together, be immersed in moment and enjoying trip despite all these challenges thrown at me one after another.

And I will also reveal Eleven Clear Signs Of Cosmic Consciousness in this class. Why raising your level of consciousness makes you a hundred times more effective in handling and dealing with a crisis.

I am so blown away by this class! Everyone is going through so much at this time, and now it comes into perspective.

I’ve been leaning back by just allowing my feelings to be what they are, until they calm down. So many people are seeking me out for advice.

I had a woman this morning try to get me to give her massages for less than anyone else. I held my ground. She’s got a good job and I’m not a charity. Thank Kat for your insights on that. I take care of her, now she has to take care of me. Exactly.

I’ve been wondering if I’ll be alone for the rest of my life. So what? I have wonderful friends. We’re interwoven o helping each other. Why should I be worried?

My dog has been really sick, so he has a piercing bark and whines loudly a lot. It was getting to me. Now I know that he’s just expressing his discomfort, and it’s not about annoying me. I am there for him, and eventually the meds will kick in and he’ll be quiet again. He’s here, and that’s why I have a dog as a companion.

I’ve had a lot is setbacks financially recently. It’s time to reassess what I spend my money on. This is a good energetic time to do that.

Yes, all is well. Thank you Kat for allowing us into your personal experience.” ~Nina, New York

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

31. Do Men Love Alpha Women As Widely Believed?

Please write me at if you face any problem at all purchasing this class or want to pay with PayPal or other methods.  I will send you an invoice.

At times the ladies in the group post some articles from the web on how men are really into alpha women and the reasons why. Undoubtedly, the writers are alpha women themselves. The reality isn’t what you think it is or what is popularly accepted out there (of course, what else?).

A few weeks a go a man was desperately seeking for my advice because he had to choose between his alpha exciting mistress or his pregnant “easy and boring” wife. You want to know what I advised him? This would very well be the best money he ever spent in his entire life that would save him decades of heartache and ruined lives down the road.

Men love exciting thrilling passionate women who are so shiny in so many ways: successful, highly intellectual, smart, super confident, knowing what she wants and isn’t shy to work for or pursue them…INDEED… until they are met with the same stumbling block with the same type women over and over.  Do you know what that is?  Maybe it’s you all long and you are at a loss why the passionate beginning has dwindled to almost nothing?

You don’t want to miss this class cause it will point out to you to your blind spot that will humble you…

“Great class…resonates with me. So, please remind me-how do we go from this high heels, accomplished, intellectual, passionate, sexy, sensual alpha to beta? I really like all that I listed in previous sentence, so I would like to keep these traits … it’s me and I like that part of me. But next time I would also like to avoid anxiety and actually keep the guy ? so please help me by describing the transition and I will practice ?.

Can I keep all the traits listed above, but lean back, not trying to be impatient and not trying to control the speed and the outcome (aka no expectations)? I am actually not competitive neither I argue in my relationships. But I tend to push the timeline, expect too much which ends up in anxiety and disappointment ?.” ~Tiara, New York

“Wow Kat, thank you so.much..this class helps me a lot.with balancing my alpha trait…so now I am motivated more…trying to be submissive 100% sucks..?” ~Jill, Canada

You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

32. Goddess Interview: Jenna, Dating A Recently Divorced Man, How She Got Him to Marry Her in A Year

“So, last night I married the man of my dreams. Dreams come true. Thank you Katarina Phang! I’m on my honeymoon but would be happy to share details when I have more time. It was just important I let you know Kat!” ~Jenna, Atlanta

Jenna is one of my miracles. Her EUM (at the time) had been unhappily married for 17 years in which he felt guilty all the time and had been divorced for 7 months when they met so of course he was scared to jump in another relationship so quick. But through sticking to what I teach and signing up for the Leaning Back workshop, Journey Inward and the monthly membership, she melted his heart beyond recognition and he proposed in December:

“Engaged! :)) My love proposed last night on our 1 year anniversary. This wouldn’t have been possible without Katarina who I found, with the universe’s help, just a month or two before I met him. He was scared and wavered in the beginning – and it was with Katarina’s teaching that helped me stay centered and quickly turned him around in such a profound way that we were moved in and talking marriage just a four months into our relationship. He is the man of my dreams..well worth the wait! xoxo Thank you Katarina.

I had worked on myself a great deal before I met Kat…but everything that she teaches really brought me to the next level the first thing I learned was to always hold onto myself. Trust myself, trust the universe. and always know that you are enough for any man right where you are.

When I met my man he was a total EUM..but I used Kat’s teachings with him from day one and now four months later we are living together, we talk about marriage all the time and we’re trying to get pregnant.

Can you believe it!! It was because of your teachings and meditation that I drew an amazing guy like him in in the first place. Thank you thank you!”

Just a year and 2 months after she implemented my method (she started to work with me January 22, 2015), they’re now happily married. Though it’s not typical (that a recently divorced man is ready to marry again only after less than 2 years), miracles do happen. So if you are in the same situation wants to learn from Jenna, you can’t afford to miss this class.

“Great class ?Big thanks to both, Kat and Jenna…what an inspiring story of transformation ?” ~Tatjana, Moscow

You can now purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $399/hr today and it will keep going up!):


33. Goddess Interview: Renee, How To Deal With Anxiety And Depression Without Medications

Renee is one of my many miracles. She’s one of a few that has gone off antidepressants since practicing what I teach. She embodies what I teach on expansion of consciousness and why it matters in curing depression. My stance has been that drugs aren’t the solutions to your life issues. What we call depression is really, day-to-day suffering that humanity is subject to since the beginning of time. These days we pathologize this unique aspect of being human in the attempt to profit out of it in a way that is so detrimental to millions. Drugs change the fundamental structure of the brain and you become dependent on them (but no worries because doctors will tell you your brain is different to emotionally healthy people without a shred of evidence other than wild theories that have been questioned and debunked by so many in the profession itself). Learn from Renee how she weaned herself off the addiction of these drugs and please beware that going cold turkey on them can be very dangerous. Here’s her story: “My boyfriend just asked me to move in! He says he’s never felt so comfortable and I’m his best friend and he wants to be able to see me everyday (we have been long distance). I’ve used all I’ve learnt from Katarina Phang and bought many of her products that I often relisten too. This is the healthiest most easy relationship I’ve had in my life. Thank you, Katarina Phang. You have completely changed my life the last 2 years since finding you and your message. I thank the EUM that brought me to an all-time low and finding you on the Internet. First you helped me understand I’d been running on masculine energy, then you helped me get off 10 years of antidepressants and cured my anxiety with Journey Inward and now I’ve been blessed with a wonderful man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Renee is a survivor, her life story is incredible and so much to learn from. That is her latest update, she wrote this the year before: “Listen I’m not gonna sugar coat shit. I’ve wanted to die for years. My depression was deep. My best friend was murdered. Her throat was cut. Her body was thrown in the bushes after she was drugged and raped. The same dude that did that to her tried to do the same to me. He got as far as cutting my throat. I was drugged, kidnapped and raped at 16! My friend had it worse than me sadly. I had PTSD. I had anxiety. I had survival guilt…whatever they want to call it. I experienced depression and intense anxiety suicidal feeling. Other than PTSD, I’ve been diagnosed with bi-polar extreme anxiety to the point I’d been unable to function or work, etc. I tried every drug the doctors gave me for 10 years. Some in the morning, some at night, on and on. I’ve suffered this way for almost 30 years. I’ve done every therapy. Some helped a bit but I could never get off the drugs. I was like a hamster stuck in a wheel. Last summer I found Kat. Signed up for Journey Inward. I’ve now been able to be completely med-free and here’s the best thing: I have no more depression or anxiety. My depression was so bad I’d fall to the floor begging my angels to take me out. I’ve been told my mind was imbalanced. My serotonin levels were not right. I had years of counseling, 12 steps, group therapy, classes, courses, books, past life regressions, Louise Hays, Abraham Hicks, you name it. I’ve been a seeker. A meditator. A warrior. I’ve been in a gang. I’ve be done every drug from the doctor, every street drug. I’ve been married, divorced. Done it all over again. Moved 37 times. And finally I found Kat. At 44 years old. She taught me about my mind and how to deal with my depression and anxiety with RAIN (Recognition, Acceptance, Investigation and Non-identification). I’m 45 now and I’ve never had so much peace in my life. I can see my mind and I watch it when feelings come up. I meditate and use her RAIN techniques. All minds are the same. She is right. Our minds can be tamed but you got to get out of the way and listen and try. I will follow her till the end. She’s blunt because she has to deal with some of us, masculine women (which I have been too). It makes me cry all the time in utter gratitude. Something has so profoundly shifted in me that I really cannot explain. It’s seeing I’m not my mind. Drugs only prolong this dark place and fake it.”  






























































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!):  































































34. Seven Conditions Of How Men Fall In Love

Falling in love is a psychological process. I will explain it to you how in this class. If you understand how men bond to a woman you will stop the stuff you’re doing now that pushes him away. Blathering about how you feel all the time is one of them. You are responsible for your upset feelings. Maybe your way of seeing things causes you to always react cause you often feel upset for every little thing. You stall the process of him bonding to you emotionally that way cause you don’t feel safe to him or he doesn’t feel safe that he’ll be accepted as he is with you, and it’s so important for a man!

The 5 of 7 Conditions needed for a Man to fall in love

  1.  They realize they need to pursue and court you to win your heart.  You don’t need courting when you arrive before him (this is why you are so confused and end up on this page).
  2.  They are given the space to rubber band and process their feelings.  That includes they don’t get to hear from you babbling about your feelings all the time.
  3.  They fear of losing you, they wonder what you’re doing when you are away cause you lean back. They suspect other men must be pursuing you as well so they need to step up their game.
  4.  They feel wonderful whenever they’re with you, instead of being drained or stressed out.  You bring joy into their life.  You’re easy to  lead and be with.  You have very few neuroses.  Your energy is light and uplifting.
  5.  They have a chance to miss you!  It’s so important for a man to be able to feel that you’re not around as much and their imagination starts to wonder to the sweet things you have shared together.  It’s hard for them to fall  in love when you’re always in their face. Your absence plays a big part when it comes to how men fall in love.

There are two other things that I will reveal in the class about this very subject and I explain every point in a way that will nudge your consciousness to expand so you can put yourself in his shoes.  It’s a 90-min class so all your questions about every point will be answered and you’ll experience so many aha moments typical of listening to Kat’s classes.

It’s very important for a guy to feel that to be able to feel safe enough to bond with you.  

If you are trapped in this habit of stalling the process of him falling for you, It’s time to turn your love life from failure after failure to a success story like I see every day in my community.  Your class will turn this around and it will give you the peace of mind you need to be able to relax so he can pursue you and come closer to you organically.

“THIS IS THE BEST CLASS EVER FOR ME!! I never knew how the dumb male brains work!!

I’ve always thought men fall in love the way women do, at least most of the times. I’ve always been making it all about me, trying to bond more, trying to interact more or rush the process, and you explained so detailed and step-by-step how men actually do fall in love, in ways that are so different from how ya women do! It’s so worth purchasing this class I swear!” ~Louisa, New York

“A very thought provoking class.  It has given me a lot to think about.  Thank you, Kat.” ~Nina, New York

“I jot down so many notes on this class.  Dayum, Kat, you’re a fountain of knowledge and wisdom.” ~Lucy, Oregon


You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):


35. How To Observe Our Reactions And Heal Our Inner Wounds In The Process

Please write me at if you face any problem at all purchasing this class or want to pay with PayPal or other methods.  I will send you an invoice.

This class is in time in light of current political climate in the US and the world in general, in which we are swayed between two extreme POV’s: between being totally permissive/liberal or sticking to our old/conservative values, with the majority view of something in between.  We have all those opinions within us, whether or not we are honest about and/or aware of them.

Your reactions to external events, to other people’s opinions and their reactions to your and other opinions are actually guiding you toward deeper realizations of the nature of the self/mind/ego.  And how you have been others in so many occasions and vice versa.  What spaciousness and peace you feel inside when you see that insight first hand!

You will also be aware if you are being judgmental or discerning cause you will be able to tell the difference in your body, in your emotional reactions.

Instead of getting so caught up in the content of the arguments, and trying to convince yourself/others who is right/wrong, perhaps you will benefit more in just observing all these phenomena that you perceive in the world as something that is actually happening within your own consciousness.

This practice makes you an aware person.  And awareness is everything.  Awareness heals a lot of wounds otherwise undetected by creating a gap and in that gap you cultivate detachment.  You can’t afford to miss this class if expanding your consciousness from the restrictive egocentric mode filled with suffering, inner conflicts and strife to a peaceful inclusive cosmic mode of consciousness.

Remember this: what you focus on expands, what you resist persists.

“Awesome class, Kat, you are the best.?” ~Kathy, Pennsylvania

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

36. Goddess Interview: Kara, How To Turn Your EUM into EAM And Be His Muse

As I always say my method always works. It’s like clockwork. It’s 2 + 2 =4. The only thing that makes a difference is your readiness. Some of you have a hard time making sense of what I teach so you keep going against my advice and then come back to me with the same old problems expecting me to fix them. Only you can fix your relationship/love life and it’s by fixing your dysfunctional approach and behaviors. Kara is one of the fast learners who got my ebook and I didn’t hear anything from her till one day she announced that she got engaged. To the EUM that broke up with her when she found me. “Ladies!!!!!! I SAID YES! Today Rob, my man, woke me up at the crack of dawn to tell me we were going up to Hoodoo mountain (a ski/sled/snowboard mountain in Oregon) with his parents and his daughter. It was a complete surprise and we had a wonderful fun-filled family day. Afternoon comes around and he takes me up on a ridge that leads into a deep valley of beautiful untouched snow, with a river flowing in the center with the sun was shining down bright. It is facing a mountain in Oregon. He got down on one knee, told me: “You have given me the world since the day I met you. You have never faltered in giving me, my daughter, and my family endless love. You are my BEST FRIEND. You make me laugh, you teach me to be better, we challenge each other to always do better. Through all of our ups and downs, and through me being a dumbass *****AKA EUM!!!**** I have seen that you are my one. Forever. You are the most beautiful, kind, smart, and loving woman I have ever met and ever will. I want you so badly to be mine forever. It would be the highest honor to not only call you mine, but to MARRY YOU. Kara, will you do me this endless honor? Will you marry me?” *melting and crying* He broke up with me 2.5 months ago because he didn’t know if he wanted commitment. I let him go and MOVED ON. I made my life OKAY and GREAT without him. Then he came back. Ladies, it WILL happen. Give it time and Kat’s teachings :)” She’s now happily married and expecting a baby girl in a few weeks. And you can too! This class will show you how. She will reveal in this class: 1. How to handle a breakup in the most dignified way. 2. How to start dating again even though you know deep down he’s the love of your life. 3. How to handle his initial contacts after a breakup in a balanced way that keeps him coming for more, without the drama and anxiety. 4. Why sticking to a rotation is critical when he’s back in the picture and actually stepping up! This is where many of you went amiss. 5. How to always keep him on his toes once you’re back together. Over the years I have helped so many women get back with their exes and at least 4 of them are married to their (former) exes now. This class is a must listen if you feel so stuck in your current relationship or you just have broken up with your guy because he’s non-committal.

“What an awesome class. I just listened to this. There is so much to learn here. Kara, through her experience, has taught me a lot. Thanks Kara!” ~Nina, New York“Oh wow, I learned so much from this class. Thank you…thank you…now I know what to do next time he contacts me and starts asking to see me again. I’ve done everything wrong and this is why we are on a break again! …Sigh…but this class has given me new hope and energized me so much. Thank you, Kara!” ~Luna, Idaho































































You can now purchase this powerful class for $77 or $67 if you are a member of the monthly membership already:  































































37. Manspeak: What He Actually Thinks/Says And How To Respond As A Woman

Are you always confused by men’s words and actions? Do you always tend to over analyze every little move and every thing they say and then thanks to this analysis paralysis you become so anxious and shaky? Then this class is just for you. The truth is there is no sense in trying to analyze manspeak. It’s a waste of time and energy and this class will explain why. Truth be told, men aren’t saints, they aren’t assholes either. They’re just like us in that they care about themselves first (like I always teach you to do). They aren’t planning ahead of time, they just be (something that I also teach that women need to learn more). Joe is the guest star in the class and he’s entertaining (that’s why I’m with him ? ).  






























































You can now purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!): 































































38. How To Pick Your Battles With Men

Many ladies the support group come up with issues that are actually non-issues. These things that they bring about become issues because they over think and over analyze the situations. They’re obsessed and the mind thinks it will solve the problems it creates by applying more mind into them. It’s like pouring gasoline into fire to make it disappear. This is why many of you are burnt out. He doesn’t offer me soup when I’m sick. He doesn’t invite me to have a drink with his cousin. He would rather watch football alone than spending a night with me. He doesn’t respond to my text after 4 hours. He doesn’t say good morning/good night like he used to. He’s always on FB and liking girls’ pictures and I want him to stop doing it. And so forth, and so on…. Many of you are so caught up in the small details because your sense of worth comes from his constant validation and your perception of what a man-in-love should do (and it has to be all about taking care of your delicate feelings). So which ones are expectations and which ones are deal breakers? Which things are boundaries and which things are standards? And what is honey and what is being a doormat? Where do you draw the line? And what does accept or reject mean? Does it mean we always have to break up if we are upset about something and I can’t accept it? Confusing, isn’t it? It won’t be confusing no more because I dissect this very subject in this very class. This is important to know for any woman to have a lasting relationship with a man.  






























































You can now purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!): 































































39. How to Drop Your Stories And Be Empty Inside, And How It Can Make You So IRRESISTIBLE

Please write me at if you want to pay with PayPal or different methods.  I will send you an invoice.

Do you know that your stories make your reality?  Look at your life now, how is it?  Is it easy and blissful?  Or is it filled with hardship? Change your stories, change your reality. If you’re a believer in whatever your mind says, whatever running commentary that pops up in your waking consciousness, you’re by definition fast asleep.  You are unconscious.  No need to feel bad about that because this is the predicament of the vast majority of people on the planet.  People live in a state of very deep confusion not knowing who they actually are.  And through your unconscious impulses you shape your reality. I’m a powerful creator of my reality and so are you.  I’m empty inside and my reality is whatever I make of it.  And so far it’s only bliss. This class will further nudge you open and more aware of this elusive yet attainable state of being.  It’s like an introduction to the retreat.

You can purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!):


40. Ten Keys To Keep Attraction Alive in A Long Term Relationship

Many of you worked the magic that I teach to get your guys to commit but then kinda go back to being confused again once you’re in relationship or have moved in together.

Some go back to your old pushy anxious self and lose the Goddess mojo and as the result, the insecurities are back in full force!

It doesn’t have to be that way. Your over analyzing is one of the reasons why you feel everything is falling apart again. If you don’t bait and switch (being alluringly feminine to trap him, then turning into a bitch once you’re claimed), you should be fine.

I will discuss how to keep your relationship, not only alive, but also more bonded every single day. And it really doesn’t take what you think it takes. If it was effortless to get him to commit, it’s also effortless to keep him attracted to you…and not only that but also for him to keep investing in you emotionally.

Because remember, emotional connection and attraction that will keep your relationship intact.

So in this class I lay out the ten key points that if you understand and implement them, it will keep your attraction alive in relationship. Attraction as the relationship evolves often hang on a thin rope because it’s being eroded by the perceived flaws and misunderstanding of each other’s nature. By keeping in mind these ten points you will be able to mitigate upset feelings early and not to let fester and corrode your connection.

“Kat, what a revealing class. Light bulb moment after light bulb moment. I surely haven’t implemented any of the ten points, no wonder my relationship is so rocky. I’m done being a codependent. I project a lot of my own stuff onto this man and our relationship. My heart bleeds for him. He’s such a good man, he tries so hard but I can’t see it. Thank you, thank you for the revelations. It feels like a very heavy concrete block has been lifted off my chest!!” ~Leanne, Nevada


You can purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!):


41. What Is Mothering and How Not To Mother A Guy

Many of you have a habit of fixing and giving suggestions to the guys you date/your partner even when you are not asked. That is leaning forward and often depolarizes the relationship. It reminds him of his mother. Attend this class to be aware of that tendency and to know some examples of mothering. I will also address the notion of “lean back too much” that many of you often worry about because you’re so used to being the busy body in relationship.

“Kat, you always seem to hit the mark with every class. I’ve been listening to so many of your classes since I found you two months ago and you can’t imagine the shift I have experienced thus far and our relationship has been way better and easier ever since!  I couldn’t have done it without you.  I was so in the dark before I found you I made every mistake in the book that you pointed out with every class I listen to week after week. You’re right my mothering comes from a place wanting validation and it comes with strings attached. When I realized that I could now just relax and be my natural self and my bf loves me more thanks to that! 😮  What is this sorcery, seriously?” ~Jodi, Ohio

You can purchase this powerful class for $87 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!):

42. The Seven Principles That Put Him Under Your Spell

Please be warned: this 90 minute class will change your vibration with your EUM or the men you adore.  So if you don’t want to be pursued hard by a guy, don’t listen to this class. 🙂

Being mesmerizing isn’t about how you look. It’s about the energy you radiate. People respond to your energy. And your energy is defined by what you hold in your mind.

If you always think in terms of how you fare compared to others, you will always find and feel lack within yourself and the energy you radiate will be self-doubts, insecurities and the chronic feeling of not being good enough.

And you will start projecting those things onto others seeking validation from externalities. And your energy will be desperate, restless and needy.

You can be a 10 in the look department but people, especially men, will have a hard time connecting with you.

On the other hand, when you feel secure within yourself, you will project self-confidence and self-assuredness and the energy you radiate will be joy, groundedness, understanding and tolerance because whatever people say or do you know it’s not about you. It’s a reflection of themselves.

You don’t need other people’s approval to be okay with yourself. If some people don’t like you, you will just remove yourself from them. You’re gravitated toward and attract people of the same level of vibrations as yours.

That’s the very basic of being mesmerizing: self-love.

Now to be mesmerizing to a man in a romantic context, there are the shortened five principles to abide here:

1. Stop getting ahead in your thinking.

2. Focus on your own happiness.

3. Stop waiting around for him.

4. Stop treating a man as your priority when you’re only an option.

5. Reward his good behaviors, stand up for your deal breakers.

If you stick to these principles you are officially a high-value-woman that men seek for commitment and can’t afford to lose.

Don’t you want to know the lengthy/detailed version of each principle? And there are also two other most important principles to make a man absolutely mesmerized by you and I will reveal them in the class, so get it and listen to it today and transform yourself and change they way he perceives you.

One of the two is on how to handle triggers and hurt feelings and if you are always in the loop of roller-coaster of emotions that make you appear imbalanced and in the process you end up pushing him away, you really can’t miss this class.

Work with me, the only coach on the net that give you consistent results day in day out, year in year out with proven and documented track record to back them up (it’s easy to claim this and that but to have daily testimonials is quite another) because what I teach isn’t gimmick and my own stuff isn’t in the way (since I have resolved most of my shadow issues and lost the self as the self is in the way of clarity and this is why coaches who have unresolved issues will project those issues on their clients exacerbating the problems instead of helping to solve them). It’s the route to personal fulfillment and happiness that will surely leak into every aspect of your life.

“Hi ladies, I promised to Katarina that I will share how two classes I bought totally changed my relationship. ?

So I’m the one who got dumped by my EUM 1,5 weeks ago and got all anxious during break up. I told you couple of days ago that he told me he loves me for the first time and got some really tough love from you. Thank you for that! Really opened my eyes! ?

So after your words I decided to walk away. I told him that I can’t do this anymore and I need to let him go. I told him that if he really loves me he didn’t have to even think if he wanted me or not. After that I muted my phone and went to the gym. After workout there was like 6 texts from him. Despite your prompts, i didn’t blog him and I did talk with him. I told him what I want and deserve in a relationship and what I don’t want. I told him I need actions and support etc.

He stepped up! ? He have been totally different. He is loving and caring. He is texting me all the time. He keeps touching me all the time when we are together and he bought me these beautiful white roses in the picture. ?

So what about those classes.. after break up I was heartbroken. I didn’t know how to get back on track so I decided to purchase two of Kat’s classes: “How to be high value” and “7 principles…”. (I will add them at the comments..) Those two classes were the game changers for me.. this is what I wrote to Kat in my email coaching..

“Oh I realized that I forgot to answer your question “Why prompted him to say what he said when he was drunk?” so I’ll just do it now. I was triggered by his words. I heard him say to his friends that he’s not sure about me. That triggered me hard (partly because I was a bit drunk as well). I went outside and he came to me asking if everything is ok. I told him what I heard and said that “I’m not sure about you either.”

He asked if we should broke up then and I was like “yes”. He got angry and started yelling and to accuse me of everything that’s wrong in our relationship and that he doesn’t want me anymore. I cried and went to sleep. Then next morning he came to me asking if we are still at the same place and I said “you made it perfectly clear what you want”. I know, not very high value goddess behavior from me at all! ??‍♀️

After all of that I decided to purchase those two classes I mentioned earlier and that “7 principles” glass really opened my eyes. When you told that 7th principle about triggers I was blown away! I realized that my own triggering had caused me all of this drama I’m in right now. And as hard as it was to hear you saying that “you and only you alone are responsible for your break up” I knew that you were right.

I listened the classes over and over on my way to work. (I have 45min drive to work now since I’m staying with my parents.) I took all your words in with huge gratitude when I listened those classes and I made a lot of notes. I have done more inner work in this past week than in my whole life before (and I have studied mental coaching in the past).

I’m so grateful that I found you and that I will have you and your guidance with me for the rest of my life! Thank you so much!! ❤️

So what I now know I should have done, besides getting triggered by his words, is to calm myself down. To breathe and have NO EXPECTATIONS! So what if he’s not sure about me! I’m not sure about him either. You really cannot be sure about anyone else but yourself and that is perfectly fine! Just take ONE moment, ONE day at a time and appreciate all the beautiful things you already have in your life. And I mean ALL! Not just a man! Triggers come from the unhealed part of yourself and they keep coming until you decide to let them go. What Kat teaches is magical. When you are aware of your thinking and you observe your thoughts and feelings you have so much more understanding in life, for your man, your family, your friends, co-workers etc. And when you are aware of your thinking you notice your triggers before anything bad would happen and you can just relax.

Just remember ladies that change takes time to be permanent. I still get triggered and probably will for a while. Nothing changes over night. Last night I realized I was triggered when my bf was scrolling his phone. I was aware of it and I calmed myself saying that he really is allowed to do that. He doesn’t have to be with me and talk to me ALL THE TIME. And like two minutes later he came to me showing that he was planning a holiday trip to Sri Lanka for us in January (If we get rid of covid by then). I know it’s only early days and anything can happen but now I’m happy with my EUM and that is enough! ?

Have a lovely new week ladies and have faith in yourself! You already have everything you need in you!”

(3 weeks later, an update)

“?Happy Saturday, ladies!!
I just wanted to come and tell you that listen to Katarina! She really knows what she’s talking about! ?

Some of you might remember my former post where I told you that I was triggered when I heard my bf said to his friend that he’s not sure about me and we had a huge fight and broke up. Well last night we were celebrating midsummer with our friends and I heard him say to his friend that I am his everything and he is so thankful for having me in his life. ?

There has been only a month and the difference in our relationship is already this big! I’m so happy with him and he shows me everyday that he is happy with me too! ?

So ladies.. like I said before.. listen to Kat and do your inner work! You really can have everything you want. You just have to be happy by yourself first! ?” ~Vera, Norway


“I am listening your latest class ‘Seven Principles That Put Him Under Your Spell’ right now. I would like to thank you for your teachings. The more classes I get from you, the clearer it gets for me about how to have a peaceful life in general. The success I have following your teaching, goes beyond having relationship with men. Thank you so much Kat, I am really blessed.” ~Jill, British Vancouver


Something has shifted for me. After my post about my painful leaning forward week and all your comments and wisdom; after listening to Kat’s monthly membership class ‘Seven Principles that Put Him Under Your Spell’ on Saturday; after a dance class this morning during which I accessed the grief in my body that exists beyond word and thought, after after. I am ready. To truly dig into these teachings. In my mind, my no. 1 guy, who I have been so excited about and obsessing over– is going on the back burner. Quietly and without fuss. If he wants to show up and adore me — great. If not– that’s ok too. I’m going to shift a no. 4 rotation guy up to no. 1 spot because he texts me every day. He asks to see me. I didn’t think I was attracted to him but I’m challenging my own perceptions and opening myself up. I’m going to focus on my self care today. Growing my business. Self love. Self touch through dance. I’m going to have dinner with my favorite girlfriend. My mind chatters– it asks for a timeline. It wants to put No. 1 guy on a timeline — “if he doesn’t act like a boyfriend by this date I’m walking away” — I tell it to hush. That these thoughts are insecurities and control. I turn my thoughts to something other than men. I tell my mind– I am powerful you know. Powerful beyond words. I have changed the rest of my life, healed myself. I can change this too– heal this too. I am powerful beyond what I ever thought possible. I can be free. With gratitude.” ~Cara, NYC


“I don’t come here often to share but I did last Sunday when I saw a pic of my ex with a new girl. Kat said, “It’s likely that he is with her but missing me. I’m telling you people, Katarina Phang is a genius. He started texting me this evening and said he misses me terribly and wants to see me. Now I don’t know where this will go but ladies listen to this woman. I thought I would never hear from him again. I have not seen him or spoke to him in over three months. Lean way back!!

Short version.. He broke up with me beginning of May. We were together for 15 mos. I stayed friend on FB with his parents. That’s where I saw the pic of him and another girl. I was upset because it was only 3 months post break up. I did not contact him the entire time. I just sent one hand written letter telling him good bye. Tonight he reached out and wants to see me. Now I want to do put him under my spell after listening to this class.  So succinct and to the point, things I obviously haven’t done that brought me here in the first place.” ~Linda, Kansas


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

43. Why You Are Friendzoned and How To Get Out The Friend Zone

Those of you who are confused why all of a sudden the guy you adore who was hotly pursuing you in the beginning is now treat you as if you were just a buddy? He doesn’t touch you anymore nor want to be intimate, even when you “throw yourself at him.”

He’s just stonewalling and cold or just plain ignoring you.

Find out the things you can do to reverse the situation to back where you once were.

Do you know that a man follows his feelings when it comes to romance? It’s not about logic or what he thinks you should do. Logically he should be hooked on you because you’re so hot and sexy and so passionate in bed but often those aren’t why a man wants you more.

And his feelings will be guided by how polarized you two are.

I’m known in the business as an intuitive when it comes to understanding where a man comes from and ways to inspire a man’s deepest devotion toward a woman.  This unique gift catapults me to the top of the niche with one engagement/week, AT LEAST!

In this class I’m dissecting two cases involving two ladies in the group on why they’re feeling they’re being friendzoned and coaching them live on what to do. If you feel the same way, join us and let me coach you live as well.

Brandi is too intellectual and Sally is to sexually forward (“predatorial”).  These two insights dumbfound them thinking those are what men want.

This class summarizes the FIVE things that you do that create a block to his romantic feelings and SIX exact steps to get out the friend zone and reverse it back to romantic zone.

“The insight I gained from this class that I lead with my intellect with men because I feel afraid they’ll reject me for it, but that depolarizes me from them, was PRICELESS! The other 5 steps to getting out of the friend zone will also be helpful in changing my dating life, but this one piece will make such a huge shift for me, not only with the guy I like who sees me only as a friend (right now) but also the other men I’m talking to and meeting.” ~Brandi, Ohio


“So this was such an amazing experience. Katarina Phang is professional, warm, to the point, and so easy to talk to. She was able to pinpoint my issues almost like magic. She described the mistakes I was making and explained what I was doing wrong, and more importantly how I could finally fix these ongoing problems I have been having with the man I’m most interested in.


She didn’t sugarcoat it but was so pleasant and like able to me! I’ve spent SO much money over the years on “therapists”…none of which can hold a candle to the results I got with Katarina!! I thank you so much for your insights and expertise. I know what I have to do and I feel confident for a change that I can actually do this. I know I can!!” ~Sally, New Jersey


Update from Sally almost 2 months later: 

“Katarina Phang, so the update I saw him yesterday at work and he couldn’t get enough of me. I’m leaning back doing my thing. He calls me into his office to tell me something “that cannot leave this room, between you and me only, promise”??

He goes on to tell me something very personal about something that happened between him and a business partner. I listened and didn’t speak, at his request. All while making his points he is touching me, on the knee, on the shoulder. I stayed feminine and I think helpful. Later, he calls me in again, “ I want to explain this in a different way. “ So he goes on to tell me same story!!??! I already heard it. He made some different points but I thought it weird that he summoned me back.

Super sweet again. Joking and fun. Then I had to IM him about something work related and he wrote back something that didn’t make sense, like a mistake or a joke. Still not sure so I ignored it.

I am not going to get my hopes up since I’ve been truly losing interest but I have to say this whole thing is encouraging. Kat’s guidance is magic and has made me so normal again.

No more clinging and crazy. No more seducing and desperate energy. Even if he keeps me in the friend zone at least I can say I am so much more high value and I am proud of myself!! ?” ~Sally, New Jersey

More Update 4 months later:

“Ladies it is so amazing to be able to post here how happy I am. I have been reading the posts here again these past couple of weeks and I continue to see the “old me” in so many of your posts! I am here to tell you that Katarina Phang is amazing. Please, please don’t fight her advice or be a non-believer because nothing has worked yet. She knows what she is doing. I claimed for years that I was truly following her advice, and that it couldn’t be ME, it had to be: his temperament, his mental issues, his anger, his weirdness, other women, his lies, his job, more women, etc etc.

When I finally, finally, got my shit together and followed Kat’s advice for REAL…the magic happened.

I can’t make this up. He is gentle. He is kind. He is funny. He seeks me. He wants me. He is a love. He shows me. All of these things, I could go on. I never thought he was capable of doing or giving ANY of these things. Because he didn’t.  

And it was me. It wasn’t him. It was my crazy. My expectations. My aggressive behavior. My lack of chill. He is so chill!! I could never let it be. And I could never recognize it. I was convinced it wasn’t me. Haha.


Honestly I was so done with struggling. To the point that I just said this is enough. Listened to my audios on repeat. I was just weary. Tired of it all. I let it be; and I felt a lot more at peace.

I have the book, the high value easy to lose, turn jealousy into opportunity to fall deeper in love with you, how to manage your emotional investment when he is stepping up; talking less (my fave!); doormats, you need to bitch up and of course the friendzone (my other fave!) classes.

The mirror that Kat puts in front of us, it is genius and she is a lifesaver. Please listen to her!!! ?Thank you, Katarina Phang.”

“I was there live, best class so far.??” ~ Kathy, Michigan


“Awesome class as usual, really help me to realize that I am a natural masculine woman, so changing it needs a lot of reminding and practicing. Thank you, Kat.” ~Jihane, Canada

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

44. How to Keep The Pursuit On In A Long Term Relationship Or After You Live Together

A lot of you come to me confused. You got him to claim you and not only that he asked you to move in. Then the hot relationship all of a sudden becomes something of a ho-hum. You feel that you have lost the mystery and just go along with the predictability of a couple sharing a life together: no more mystery, no more excitement, no more butterflies in the stomach. He seems to stop pursuing you because… hey you’re there in his face all the time, what is there to pursue, right?? And you become insecure again. You want to feel desired again. These days he seems so engrossed in his newspaper, laptop or projects. You thought it would be a happy ever after from now on! You feel cheated.? Because you express your unhappiness often he gets defensive and you argue a lot more now or you stuff your feelings and as the result you feel unappreciated even more. Can you relate? I bet you can. So in this class I’ll help you deal with that.

“Thank you, Kat. Just when I thought there was nothing more to learn you proved me wrong once again. I always thought once in relationship you can pretty much do anything, discuss anything without him having to have doubts about his love and commitment to me. That’s why we always seem to have awkward time when I want him to show me how much he cares (woes and pursues me) because that’s what he *should* do as a man in relationship. Now I realize “should” is an illusion. You either inspire him or you don’t. And your behavior and energy very much defines how he feels about you or whether or not he wants to do romantic things and often it will just happen when you least expect it.” ~Jemima, Texas

You can purchase this powerful class for $92 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $369/hr today and it will keep going up!):

45. When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?

I’ve been overwhelmed by the response over this class and request to listen to it from the day it was conducted and a few days after. The mystery of flaky men is solved ONCE and FOR ALL and you will never have to question him/yourself anymore when this happens.

This is number one repeated theme in our support groups.

Sometimes the reason why he acts this way if because of your masculine, pushy and demanding behaviors and the inability to tolerate grey areas in the beginning of dating. Some other times it’s perhaps nothing to do with you. It’s just he’s so flaky.

So how do you know or do you know which is which?

This class dissects this common behavior of men to pieces along with the response, what to say or not to say in such situations or how to treat a man like this without spending an ounce of energy on him anymore ONCE and FOR ALL!  You will learn 7 reasons why men do flaky things, the understanding of which will calm you down when you face this kind of common behavior in men.

And you will also understand why rotation works on two seemingly contradictory levels that trigger a strong attraction toward you.  Find out what those two are (it’s a must so a guy can deeply bond to you).

“**When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?** HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!! OMG. I can’t even believe how much focus I have been putting on what “should be” and the amount of time being “wasted” with him pulling away. I completely have been missing out on the fun of courting and the fun of the ACTUAL date I got to have each time.

I was so powerless in this mental state. Now I’m so powerful and relaxed in my new mental state. Now it is ok for a man to pull away cause it’s just more exciting to see him again, it is ok to look at his Facebook cause I’m just excited instead of stalking, it’s ok that he is seeing others cause what matters is our time together, it’s ok to believe everything he says cause even if he doesn’t mean it two weeks from today he really means it right now.

OMG I am awakened!!

I will be dating lots of boys and enjoying every single date with every single one of them. MOMENT TO MOMENT!!!

I know it in my heart that a great relationship is in my future and the best part is I’m not even stressing about it cause the dating is so fun now!

Just had my first date post awakening and wow I WAS MYSELF!!! Instead of trying to make him like me I was observing if I liked him.


Thank you soooo much Katarina Phang!!!

EVERYONE MUST PURCHASE AND LISTEN TO THIS ONE!!! And to those who always say they can’t afford it, money is an excuse. You can find the money. you can put $50 away a month. In 2 months you can do one class. If you want love and what you’re doing isn’t working, do this for you. A husband would only equal more income and help for you.” ~Jesenia, New Jersey


“Katarina Phang, it was a great audio.? I wish this audio was available a few years ago, I definitely would have reacted differently after the guy I was interested in pulled back. I am in that place of let him be, as I build my rotation. This audio should be up there on your must have list next to or before the “How To Manage Your Emotional Investment” audio.” ~Carmella, North Carolina


“Ladies, this class was awesome! The importance of rotation finally clicked- I never completely understood all angles previously. And now I have a rotation 🙂

Katarina Phang, follow-up question: when a guy withdraws/pulls away, isn’t he worried that she will meet another guy during his absence? Or does whatever stress/anxiety is going on in his brain override that thought?” ~Katie, Amsterdam


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

46. How To Save Your Relationship/Marriage Alone Even If He Has Checked Out

Some relationships/marriages are worth salvaging, even when they look so hopeless. And I’m a believer that it takes one person to save a relationship and I have proven it with my track record of helping thousands of women amend their broken relationships/marriages by simply transforming themselves and shifting their energies in the process.

When one person changes in the relationship, the other has to change as well to adjust to the new position. When a partner isn’t being resisted, whatever poses as stumbling block will eventually dissolve.

Even when the divorce happens after all, the transformation that happens won’t be for nothing.

Why does relationship become hard over time? It’s because of accumulation and resistance.

What is accumulation? Accumulation of the piling of experiences that typically involve unresolved issues and hurt feelings.

How does accumulation happen? It happens because most people don’t die to the past. They either live in the past of the future, both of which don’t exist, thus are illusions.

Why don’t people die to the past? Because the ego lives in psychological time: which involves the past or the future. The movement in the mind space is resistance of the present moment. The mind isn’t really needed in the now so dropping the mind is really about to dwell and surrender in the glorious moment.

What is resistance? Resistance happens when there is a gap between “what is” and “what should be.” “What should be” is the play of the mind, it’s the resistance of the now. It’s what expectations are. And expectations are the mother of all heartaches.

The heartaches bring to accumulation because the ego will resist the now and dying to the past.

So between those two things: accumulation and resistance, marital issues are created and exacerbated over time.

Remember this: what you resist persists, what you embrace dissolves.

So when your partner/husband has checked out from the marriage, shift your energy by stop doing those two things. It’s hard but it’s doable as many of my clients have proven.

To tame the ego and its penchant to accumulate and resist is to understand and see how the mind works. My teachings center around this very fundamental transformational power.

Don’t miss this call, my classes will crack you open so your divine feminine can float to the surface.

I have never read other dating websites or followed other coaches so I have nothing to compare it to. I have spent a lot of time reading philosophy, theology and books about ego and other such topics. Kat’s teachings are more than just dating advice. 

What I see, is a universal truth being applied to dating and relationships. It has been rewritten in way that even those not on a some deep spiritual quest can follow and it’s practical advice.

It’s brilliant.

It works because it’s basically being taught how to tap into the matrix of your relationship. It requires complete letting go to work and that is difficult for a lot of people. I have witnessed people on spiritual quests in other areas of my personal life and resistance brings up all kind of negative emotions, like anger and anxiety. That’s the ego.

The ego is fear and it doesn’t want to let go. The closer one gets to having a break thru, the louder the ego gets. That’s the moment when you just have to give in and free fall. That’s the moment when you will “just get it.”

In Timothy Leary’s version of “The Tibetan Book of the Dead,” when feeling anxiety creep up, he suggests imagining yourself floating on a river. Give into the water and flow with it until the anxiety goes away. Water is feminine. That concept has helped me a lot in dealing with anxiety of my past. I could go on about this topic for a long time. I love philosophy.

And a quick update… My marriage is still better than ever and I’m blown away daily. I practice leaning back in my marriage. I don’t text, I don’t call, I don’t plan, I talk less and I focus on me. I receive with grace and I let him lead. The more leaning back, honey and non-attachment I practice, the happier we both get. People can say what they want. This stuff works .

Thank you, Kat.? You were the missing link for me :)” ~Miranda, Philadephia

“He bought me this brand new trailer 2 weeks a go. He said and keep saying that he wants to go everywhere and spent his life with me only, until we die. Then he asked me to put on my wedding ring again. I just smile… What d’ya think Katarina Phang and ladies, should I put my wedding ring again? Or wait until our 25th anniversary in May?? *wink wink nudge nudge* 😉 ” ~Rani, British Columbia

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

47. How To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence So You Become A Magnet To Relationship

Here’s an incredible experience that Crystal had after first class of Journey Inward she just signed up for recently:

“Hi Kat!!! I don’t know how fast or slow the process is to be awakened but it probably took me less then a week and only from ur first class of the Journey Inward….

I literally got the “Awe-ha” moment and haven’t stop laughing and crying tears of joy since it happened!!!! Like I don’t know too much about Buddha until your teachings… I just always saw him at Chinese restaurants and that he was good luck and he was always laughing… but now I laugh like Buddha!!!!!! … like I TOTALLY get him!!! The veil is lifted!!!

God had reached down and opened my eyes, heart and soul!!! Before this I was broken, and I have a very close relationship with God and cried so many nights to him pleading with him to help me and he did!!

He had me revisit your products and Journey Inward sounded very appealing and I took massive notes… it’s a 2 hour recording but it probably took me a few days to get through it cause I wrote everything down and then I would research these mystics you would quote from and then I also compared it to my experiences and then it just hit me… the AWAKENING!!!!

And I get it!!! I’m AWARE!!! I

know the difference between the ego and the True Self!!!!! And I can literally sit back and see it all unfold right in front of me!!!!!! I would love to meet with you as I know you are awakened too or chat with you on the phone more if that’s possible?

I will write something for your website- a testimonial? Or talk on one of your recordings if you like? Anything to help you help others… I’m beyond grateful!!!! And I’m still educating myself as I am now in class #2 of the Journey Inward.

Now when I listen to your Leaning back workshop, to me it all makes sense of course but it’s also irrelevant because of the Awakening… cause the energy and the knowledge from the awakening already gives you the leaning back method built in!!!!!! And not that I’m disregarding it cause I just love love Love All your products …

I’ve bought 7 different products from you… but this AWAKENING has knocked my socks off my feet. I’m sooooo filled with happiness, laughter and joy!!!!!

Gratitude ? Gratitude ? “

Then she wrote again after my response congratulating her: “OMG, girl u have no idea!!! I see it ALL!!!! Just the first class of the Journey Inward. I just started class #2 last night… well, between you and me, I have done Ayahuasca retreat – 14 sits so far… if you know what that is?? So my mind has been open… you just made everything come full circle. I think it’s why I got the “Awe-ha” moment so fast!!

And I’m sooo filled with gratitude… but I must say it’s a whole other experience when your awake and the people around you are not… like the Buddha says the Awakening happens everyday because you are in constant battle with the ego trying to take you to the dark side…

I feel like it’s a training ground everyday to always be present and always happy… I flippin get it!!!!!! So Aware and sooooo Awake!!!! Thank you thank you!!! And trust me I try to explain it to my close friends and they feel and see my energy and excitement but even though it makes perfect sense… until they are awakened themselves they really don’t know what your talking about!!! I can see why the Enlightened people could live alone or be far away from society because of all the noises and statics of the ignorant!!! And I can’t believe how easy it really IS to actually have the keys to happiness!!!! I’m like on cloud 9999999999999999 to infinity!!!

Would love to come to the retreat!!

And thank you, thank you!!!! And I thank God for helping get through this process and have the Freedom from ever suffering again… like I know I will never have a bad day agin!!!! I’m still in shock!!

And as far as the retreat… (pardon for the multiple emails) I just looked at it… if you want me to speak for an hour to explain my Awakening to the ladies cause I was actually dealing with an EUM at the time and we were on a break and he literally gave me the Dear Jane letter that it was really over is when it hit me (the Awakening) but by then I was already knee deep into your first class of the Journey Inward and at the moment it just clicked and I was Awake and then my actual reply back to his email… with eyes wide open and acknowledging his decision.

My reply literally flipped him and threw him off guard and this new found energy really threw him for a loop… now he wants to meet me for lunch this Wednesday to discuss my new Awakening. This new Self that I had discovered because prior to this he was over my Ego and I don’t blame him- lol!!! But now with being Awakened, I see the Abundance around me, and the fact that I can step back and see the Ego in full force, I now have the power to stop the reaction from happening and quiet the mind… now my value in the dating world is HUGE… cause what man wouldn’t want a woman now with out all that emotional baggage we carry with us.

The Awakening is definitely empowering to the Self I must say.

And Kat everything in Journey Inward that I have been listening to so far has already blown my mind… Thank you, thank you… yes I can’t wait to get through all of it… I listen to it in the car when I’m driving if I’m not at home taking massive notes on it… love love it!!!!

You are a Blessing!!!”

It doesn’t stop here either. Two days later, she PMed on FB: “Hi Kat!! I know we haven’t been talking by email… but guess what after my Awakening this past Saturday, I met my EUM ex boyfriend today for lunch and guess what? We are back together!!!!!?????

Thank you sooo much!!

You should make a journey Inward for MEN too cause now he wants to be Awakened!! Any ideas when you can do one for them??”

Jesus, I haven’t even got the chance to coach her on her breakup. 😀 This is insane!

So emotional intelligence is the subject of this class. I see too many women who come to me lacking in that one thing and that is why they continue to have problems in their relationships. The ego runs the show and the ego never feels good enough.

You really don’t want to miss this class. I go deep with every class giving you alternative perspectives that will expand your awareness.

Check it out for yourself, my classes will crack you open so your divine feminine can float to the surface.

You can purchase this powerful class for $92 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $399/hr today and it will keep going up!):

48. What Is Authenticity? How To Be Authentic With Men?

A lot of women think being all expressive about their feelings from the get go are being authentic. Expressing their expectations is being authentic. Erecting many boundaries and barriers is being authentic.

It’s fine if it works for you! But problem is to many of you “being authentic” hasn’t really worked and meanwhile you are told to be authentic all the time.

Confusing, isn’t it?

What many of you don’t understand being authentic takes self-acceptance and self-acceptance doesn’t usually come till much later on the journey of inner work.

Still not getting it?

Being authentic is about first of all leading with feelings/intuition than thoughts.

Authenticity, as I mentioned above, is rooted in self-acceptance. Self-acceptance doesn’t mean the belief that one is perfect. No, on the other hand, self-acceptance is rooted in the knowing that we are all human and we are imperfect.

Perfection is an idea that is rooted in delusions. Delusions come from the absolute belief in duality: that there is absolute right or wrong, good or bad, then one begins to idealize everything that belongs to the good/the moral, and despise everything that belongs to the bad/immoral and as a result you become limp, you aren’t centered nor balanced.

Thus, perfection is ego.

Someone who is still ruled by ego will have a hard time to be authentic because they’re always in doubt about what they did or do. Their waking consciousness is narrated through their projection of thoughts.

Projection is not reality. It’s our subjective reality. So when you are being authentic through the belief of the objectivity or our subjective reality, the results aren’t going to benefit you and through repeated mistakes you will even doubt yourself more.

And once you aren’t sure about yourself and your own judgment anymore, you by definition can’t accept yourself, and thus can’t be authentic.

Still not getting it?

You don’t want to miss this class then. Be my next success story and you will if you follow what I teach you to a tee.


You can purchase this powerful class for $92 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $399/hr today and it will keep going up!):

49. He Offers Me Friends With Benefits (FWB), How Should I Respond?

What is the Goddess response to this very common situation that will actually mesmerize him? Over the years I’ve been known to give very counter intuitive advice not found anywhere else. My keen insights on human nature have resulted in countless of success stories day in day out.

You’ve been told the usual generic advice to flatly say no to any offer short of a full-blown relationship (the advisers don’t understand how commitment unfolds themselves) and I have proven to every nay sayer, my method gets you commitment faster than any other method out there.

Today I’m the world’s number 1 expert when it comes to rocky relationships and “non-committal” men.

If you are in this dilemma, you can’t afford to miss this class. Once you listen to one class with me you’ll get hooked to listen to each and every class I have. That has been the experience of thousands who become my loyal following.

In this class I reveal seven UNIQUE steps you won’t hear anywhere else on how to deal with this the Goddess Way.

“Thank you so much for the FWB class. It is absolutely incredible. I love your teachings behind it and how much more relaxed and inspired I feel by it. What a wonderful class.” ~Joanne, Maui


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

50. How Your Unguarded Mind Creates Problems In Relationship And How To Navigate It

What is an unguarded mind? An unguarded mind is a mind that dreams, creates stories and unfounded assumptions, preconceives, obsesses, seeks (problems, solutions to problems it seeks and creates, fulfillment of the ego’s preservation needs), grasps, latches and attaches, broadcasts and projects. Because of this veil a person with an unguarded mind can’t perceive things as they are but always as they are. Because their perception is skewed the actions that result from such perception are also dysfunctional and causes a lot of frictions and sorrow.

Needless to say unguarded mind causes so many rifts and problems both in life and relationship.

The vast majority of people live under this predicament, hence the state of the world we live in in which conflicts abound (cause all conflicts stem from inner conflicts, from fighting our own unclaimed self).

Where does an unguarded mind live?

The past or the future. It latches (doesn’t die) to the past which is in itself a mere story from one’s own perspective that later (or in the reminiscing in the now) gets embellished with more stories (so you can imagine the compounded delusion). The mind is filled “knowledge” and experiences. It is structured and thus, unfree. It is conditioned to perceive a certain way (that’s what conditioning means).

It also grasps the future. What does it grasp? A better something: better life, better job, better relationship, more excitement, more stuff to accumulate. So it frets about what it doesn’t have or get. It’s in the constant anticipation of a certain future that makes it anxious. And through that veil of anxiety out of the thirst of the fulfillment of the ego’s needs it perceives the world out there.

Hence an unguarded mind is a mind that hungers and thirsts and is stripped of its capacity to perceive directly. It’s clouded with judgment and every piece of judgment is self-judgment. Self judgment is a lack of self-forgiveness. The lack creates the obsession to justify one’s actions and in the process one has to project the responsibility onto others in the form of blame and attack. Thus, all attacks are rooted in self-attacks because when one fully forgives and accepts oneself there is no need to defend and justify, hence to blame, project and attack.

You can’t miss this class if healthy relationship is what you’re after.

The reason my life is so easy peasy is because my mind doesn’t do that anymore. The projector is broken so it no longer broadcasts. My mind stays where I am and when it doesn’t the Witness catches it quick and pulls it back to the now so there is little chance for it to create (sob) stories that wreck havoc my life.

A stable mind creates a stable world because the outside world is merely a reflection of your inner world.

It’s an ultimate skill you can’t afford not to master (and very few humans even know the concept of) especially when there is someone who can teach it to you from direct first hand experience cause she’s living it.

“Yes, this is a class everyone is in need of because the unguarded mind is the root of EVERYTHING!!!! I have grown a lot, but even while I grow I keep adding new stories which I think are solutions to my problems, but are in fact still thoughts; still judgments!!! Thank you so much for shedding light on this! I hope people invest in this!” ~Michelande, Virginia

You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $399/hr today and it will keep going up!):

51. What Is A Rebound & How To Date Rebounding Guys Safely While He's Processing His Unfinished Business

So many of you come to me or the group being hooked on a guy who just got out of a relationship/long marriage or sometimes is still married and yet has to finalize his divorce.

In many of the cases the relationships with the exes aren’t truly over yet because breakups are rarely cut and dry. There will always be residual feelings around the old relationships and the exes. The ties aren’t fully severed yet.

And meanwhile you’re already knee or waist deep in your attachment to him. You have everything to lose and as such your neuroses are running the show muddying up the water even further.

It’s not that he can’t fall for you or he won’t be with you when the dusts settle, it’s about you not being able to respond to the situation in a measured and mature way that inspires him to bond to you faster and fall so deeply in love with you thanks to your high-value groundedness. I have actually helped many clients deal with their rebounding men who got cold feet and some of them are now married to the said men (one of them becomes a family as I’m their first son’s god mother).

So what is rebounding and why is it called rebounding? If you imagine a ball being dropped, what does it do upon hitting the ground? It’s bouncing back up, isn’t it?

So imagine someone who just hits rock bottom through the sudden or not-so-sudden end of their dreams. He’s like that ball hitting a rough ground…his whole system is in complete shock from the sudden crash.

He’s totally confused and in that unstable process to gain his center back by bouncing a few times perhaps before coming to his new center.

He’s bouncing up now (before going down again eventually) and with it he brings all his baggage that comes from the previous relationship. If his wife/gf is a controlling woman, he’ll be super sensitive to the same trait in the new women he comes across.

If his wife/gf cheats on him, he’ll be super suspicious of the same trait in you. If he’s married with kids, it gets even more complicated cause now the kids will be at the center of it all. There might be custody battle in the midst of it. Many guys think way harder to divorce when kids are involved. They might be separated and he might have moved out of their marital home but he’s dragging his feet when it comes to filing and finalizing his divorce. Not to mention the financial repercussion of a divorce.

Hence he will be going through depressive moments from time to time thanks to the grief. When he’s high he’s very loving and it seems to you hat you two bond deeper but then no…he’ll pull back again especially when you give signals that you want more or you try to make him move the relationship forward by initiating, asking him out, etc.

Bottom line is he’s in the process of healing himself and is not in a good place to jump in a new relationship because his judgment is way off and his emotions are all over the place. Often time he’s depleted emotionally so he’s in no good place to fulfill your emotional needs. How can he when he’s unable to give to himself emotionally either?

He’s doubting himself and his feelings. And just a little perceived pressure coming from you is enough to send him running for the hills.

And you are left broken hearted and anxious….simply because you don’t understand what’s going on. And your expectations and sense of lack are in the way for him to process his unresolved feelings.

This 90 mins class deals with 7 steps to deal with rebounding men.  Only Kat’s Goddesses can end up with rebounding men (when the dusts settle) cause they know how to navigate this safely and most effectively.

If anything, it will save you from months and years of heartache and the suffering that is resulting from not knowing what’s going on.  You’ll be come so much smarter when you study everything I teach.

“Hello ladies! Just wanted to share this: About a month ago I met whom I thought was my dream man, and things were hot from the get go. Until lately I noticed he’s been pulling away and thanks to Kat’s coaching I learned that he’s actually on a rebound (if you haven’t listened to class and you’re in a similar situation, I highly recommend it).

Even though I knew I have bought into my mind’s stories (that he was “the one”), I still had moments of sadness and disappointment. At the same time, my rotation has “dried up” as well as my other dates have either gone quiet or I’ve been feeling less attracted to them.

What seemed like a challenging period was an opportunity for me to go inward instead – I wrote lists of what I loved about myself, why I would date myself, and use the free time (now that I have less dates) to do things that I love but have been too busy to do (eg. learning salsa dance, French).

What I wanted to say is – you ARE going to face some ups and downs on this journey of finding true love. And when you’re on the down, use this beautiful opportunity to fill your own “love bucket”, so that when you come out of it you will be a much deeper, stronger and radiant Goddess. Because you now know how to love yourself before others love you. 

Much love to you all <3

Kat, I bought and listened to the class straight away after I read your email. It has been a lifesaver and I’m so glad it’s saved me from wondering all these time what was happening! I can’t recommend this class enough <3″ ~Katy, Melbourne


“Katarina Phang, your rebounding class is amazing. So grateful for the insights. Makes total sense. I figured it had to do with energy more than anything…… now I just have to stop investing. I get hooked back into investing after we hang out and then I pull back….. so just have to clear my energy sooner rather than later!

It was a super helpful class. I highly recommend it. Like all of her classes I have taken, worth every single penny.” ~Meredith, California

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

52. Are You A Codependent And What To Do About It

Are you a codependent? What is a codependent? A Codependent is someone who gets all their unresolved issues and unhealed wounds triggered constantly in the relationship that brings out the same in their partner. And it goes on and on in a feedback loop till one of them breaks the pattern by outgrowing their partner or ending the loop by changing themselves.

Say he likes to be lazy and watch TV all day or he has done it too often to your liking. It indeed can be annoying to see someone just lay around doing nothing all day while you are being productive around the house. You think he needs to change. You think you need to and can fix him so you start in the crusade to mold him into the man that you want.

What happens next? You argue a lot thanks to that.

Nothing changed. He’s still doing whatever he feels like doing, only now he’s resenting you on top of it.

You react to his displeasure with more “shoulds” and nags.

You argue some more. You break up…but days or weeks later you are drawn to each other again until he’s doing the very thing again or other things that trigger you take place.

The cycle continues. Neither of you knows how to end it. Yet neither wants to walk away either.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately many of you are codependents and you end up in my group.

As I have always said your unconsciousness will bring about the unconscious parts of your partner. And two unconscious people in relationship create hell on earth.

But you can end that cycle. If you follow what I teach you’ll be the most functional human being you’ll ever know with very high EQ. And people with high EQ can’t NOT have a great healthy relationship. They’ll bring out the best or expand the consciousness in their partner.

This class spans 2 hours 5 mins which shows how much it resonates with so many of the ladies who attended it live so they asked so many questions.  In this class I reveal 5 signs that you are a codependent and what steps you can take to bring them to awareness and thus heal them once and for all.

This is the longest class in the monthly membership and is certainly something you will have to add in your collection if you are a fan of Katarina Phang.

And especially, if you’re in a rocky relationship you can’t leave, this class is for you. Let me show you why you’re codependent and what you can do about it.

If you tend to mess up any relationship you’re in because you’re so explosive and easily perceive insults this class is made for you! You’re a codependent and as such you bring the worst in any guy you’re dating. Your unconsciousness brings about your partner’s unconsciousness and in turn soil the relationship with so many conflicts.

“Holy crap, Katarina, you’re on a roll, aren’t you?  Just when I thought I had your best class there was always another one that compete for that position!  There are so many aha moments in this class I furiously wrote everything down lol…  Thank you for the gift of making me see my dysfunctions each time I listen to you.  You’re a one-of-a-kind, a soul healer, the mother of all Goddesses…thank you, thank you.” ~Jillian, San Francisco


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

53. Why Expectations Are Relationship Killers and How To Care Less

There are expectations and there are deal breakers. Do you know the difference?

I live life without expectations and as such I’m never disappointed in anyone or life. It’s a self-mastery skill that very few people on earth possess. Those who are most emotionally healthy live life without expectations but it sounds so elusive and counterintuitive, doesn’t it?

Everything I teach is so counterintuitive. A centered person is very counterintuitive.

You can’t afford to miss this class because most of you who come to me are so filled with so much restlessness that comes from expectations. And that sense of lack colors every interaction with your guy that kills his attraction for you.

As I always say as you care less, he’ll care more. If he doesn’t then you know where you stand. Clarity sets in.

My teachings give you CLARITY like no other so you always know what to do at any given moment. And if you don’t you just observe.

This class will give you the proper understanding why your expectations are in the way of healthy relationship from blossoming. It spans 1 hour 34 mins which shows how much it resonates with so many of the ladies who attended it live so they asked so many questions.

My classes are highly affordable (based on the instantaneous results they bring) as well as ?enlightening and a small dosage of them is enough to catapult you into ?Goddesshood and many actually get hooked and keep coming back for more month after month and year after year.

Don’t make the mistakes millions of women every single day and be that one wise smart woman who knows how to deal with any type of guys while enjoying being ?adored and cherished?.  No expectation is one of the skills you must master on the path toward Goddesshood.

My sacred teachings are the Last Resort when everything else under the sun has failed.?

“Holy crap, Katarina, you’re on a roll, aren’t you?  Just when I thought I had your best class there was always another one that compete for that position!  There are so many aha moments in this class I furiously wrote everything down lol…  Thank you for the gift of making me see my dysfunctions each time I listen to you.  You’re a one-of-a-kind, a soul healer, the mother of all Goddesses…thank you, thank you.” ~Jillian, San Francisco

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

54. Goddess Interview: Gemma, How To Get Him Back And Propose After He Broke Up With You

Here’s my latest success story involving Gemma: “We first got together in 2013. He ran from me twice, November 2014 and December 2017. I was NOT a goddess lol.

He always wanted marriage. It was a life goal. When he mentioned it to me I wouldn’t let it drop, pushed and pushed the subject until he dropped the bomb “I don’t love you enough to marry you”. After that I told him he could leave if that was the way he felt and he did, leaving me and three children pretty damn devastated.

My relationship occupied too much of my focus. I lost a sense of who I was and as a consequence my partner lost who I was too.

I was depressed, vulnerable, broke and a complete mess. My GP diagnosed stress, anxiety and depression and prescribed a whole heap of drugs I didn’t want to take. So I didn’t.

I wanted to get him back and found lots of different coaches. One promised a ring which sounded ideal at the time. However this coach and her followers bullied me because I couldn’t afford the high end programmes. I was kicked out of that group for that reason. I was at rock bottom then and that’s when I found you.

I bought the ebook (couldn’t afford any extras) and read it hundreds of times. I watched one of your YouTube videos (or more) a night until it started sinking in. It was a eureka moment!! It wasn’t about getting him back, it was about me. I had to get better and shift my focus. At this point I ‘wrote him off’ and focused on the joy in my life, my children, my home, my job.

I shifted my focus from what I hadn’t got and what I had supposedly lost, to what I had. I started to count my blessings rather than focusing on my lack.

I concentrated on my masters and passed that with honours and then nailed my dream job as a hospice nurse. I quit begging him to come back and let him go, that was when the dynamic changed. He started gravitating back towards me mid year… we even went away on a spa break which was pretty hot! Again I was meeting my own needs with that and left happy with no expectations.

He started coming over more and I stayed present, enjoying his company in the moment and it was light, free and easy. Again no investment on my part as I was dating two other lovely guys which I was really enjoying. The outcome didn’t matter anymore.

Mid November he said he wanted me back. Wanted to come home. I’ve been really happy (and I’ve done a pretty great job in that respect) so felt no desperation to have him back. I’ve been keeping him at arms length to see if he’s serious, consistent, suffering from holiday singledom fever! I wanted to see what happened but at the same time kept soft and warm.

He’s been consistent but at the same time more and more desperate to be back in my life. He’s mentioned marriage since November a couple of times but last night he sat down on my sofa with my head in his hands. He told me he loves me, nobody else (he went out on a date and it felt ‘wrong’). He wants to marry me, grow old with me and he wants us to get a bigger house and have another baby. He was crying which he’s never done before. It was desperate urgency on his part. He said he will marry me but needs to speak to my dad first.

He’s been great to be fair, he’s recognised he can’t keep bailing on his family and he organised counselling off of his own back which he started today. It went well.

I’m still pretty easy with everything and I’ve told him we’ll take each day as it comes. We’ll both end up where we’re meant to be.

I believe 9/10 our relationships don’t work out because we loose ourselves in the relationship. I could be wrong but it was certainly the case with me.

What I have taken from your teachings is that it’s not about getting a man or ‘getting your ex back’ in essence. If a woman joins you with that as her focus; I don’t think it’ll work our well at all. There’s a motive. The motive has to be YOU. If you find a perfect man after finding yourself then that’s the sugar coating.

In my case I’ve found that now I’m living the life that gives me meaning; I’m no longer trying to get fulfillment from a partner. As a result I feel happier that I’ve been in a decade. And look what happened!!

Thanks Kat ❤️

Gemma found me in March, 2018. Do you know how much she spent to have her relationship turn around so drastically? $47.
Yup $47 for the ebook, at the time! After spending over $400 on another coach’s programs who later kicked her out of her group cause she didn’t have more money to keep spending on her “high end” coaching program that cost thousands of dollars (be careful of this hustler type in the niche that guilt trips you for not “investing in yourself” and tells you to sell your belongings while exaggerating their success and stature, folks).

You won’t want to miss this class especially if you made the same mistake she did: nagging, pushing, giving ultimatums, etc….

You will learn from her the difference between my teachings and others’ that she have come to know (including her former coach). What was the blind spot of her former coach so she couldn’t give her the same result? This knowledge will equip you in weeding out what advice works, what advice won’t.

The difference between me and these coaches is -other than expertise and credentials-, my interest is to serve first before making money.  The money follows my dedication and results.

“? Wow this interview resonated with me so much ?. It was so powerful listening and learning through the personal stories told. So many of my questions were answered and I think that slowly but surely my resistance is falling away.

I loved the way Gemma had focussed on the things that really mattered and how her priorities shifted off the guy and back onto her life. I need to listen to this a few times as there were layers through it with a wealth of information and guidance. Kat you sounded very “Abraham” at one point and that brought the message forward even stronger to me.

Thanks Kat and thanks to Gemma and the callers. ?” ~Justine, Italy


You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

55. What Is A Centered Mind and How Does Such A Mind See With Clarity

I want to teach you to have CLARITY that I have.  Clarity stems from a non-attached mind.  It doesn’t swing that way or this way.  It stays put in the center.  Because it has no personal motive that can lead to self-deception such mind SEES things as THEY ARE, not as the mind (owner) is.

It’s what the Buddha Mind is.

A centered mind is the benchmark.  It doesn’t cling to any fixed positions.  It is neutral yet it discerns what is good, what is wretched; what is benevolent, what is unjust; what is beautiful and what is ugly moment to moment so it can take side whenever necessary.  its perception is direct and spontaneous, no longer marred by neuroses, attachment and unresolved issues.

A centered mind keeps reflecting back people’s neuroses and imbalances back at them at any given moment because it’s the mind devoid of any agenda and attachment to any idea or preconception of the self.

That’s what clarity is.  And it’s no surprise why I can help so many relationships and women who are lost in the confusion that an attached mind creates!

And if you want to further understand what I’m talking about here, I invite you to sit through this enlightening class.

Through this class you will understand why most people aren’t cut out to be relationship coach because vast majority of them, as the vast majority of population, haven’t come to the center yet.  They haven’t been integrated or crystallized.  Their split mind still mar their perception and through that stained perception they give you false diagnosis and wrong prescriptions.

That is why as i say over and over, be careful which coach you’re working with because they can potentially jeopardize your relationship rather than help save it.

I must say I really like this class upon listening to it again after the class.  And if you love Journey Inward you will also love this class.

Listen to this 80 minutes class and get to work with the most insightful relationship coach in the world with a staggering track record of at least 5 engagements/month (and proven, not just a claim):

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

56. Goddess Interview: Tasha, From Batshit Crazy to Goddessy

Please write me at if you need to pay with PayPal

Tasha’s s tory is a very compelling one so you won’t want to miss this class. She has endured repeated painful breakups with her beau thanks to her toxic emotions and inner wounds. After being with me for 4 years she is now having the healthiest relationship with the same man who can’t help but adoring her every single day and she’s now part of the team to help me with this sacred work of healing the planet.

This is her story:

“My journey goes back a little. We had started dating, going out, having sex, I was a jealous anxious mess. I’d go through rages and hit him when we were out, he let it go, before I found Kat I was doing it all wrong, claiming him before he claimed me, drunk text harassing him, over invest, over give, drove him away to another women and he blocked me from everything, I turned him mean towards me, he couldn’t stand me, I lost all hope.

I let his relationship run it’s course, he came back to me slowly because the other girl was extremely crazy and he cared for me just didn’t like my ways. He claimed me, we’d spend everyday together, but I got too comfortable, then days he’d pull back I’d be an anxious mess, text him like 100 times a day, accuse him of things, not give him space.

I ended things with him, changed my number on him, 2 weeks I returned to try to do things differently, contacted him, we talked, he said the way I went on him was wrong and the things I texted him. I leaned back, after we seen each other, even though I was a mess in this group, Kat told me if I don’t freak out all the time he’ll miss me, he was slowly reaching out again, on weekends, now weekends and weekdays, calling again, texting more. Now we see each other more and he’s so sweet.

He is definitely a different and good guy. I really do love him. The more I’m laid back and lure with honey, he is becoming so much better to me. I do believe that we can either bring out the best in someone or the ass out of them. People respond to how you act towards them.

I’m truly understanding the meaning of unconditional love for a man. Loving and accepting him for who he is. Glad I followed Katarina Phang she is truly a blessing and if my young EUM, ladies man can change to be more loving to me, any man can. He is also noticing me being more feminine too, because he is definitely showing his protective side through actions and when we lay with each other. I know he is a part of my journey to awaken the true feminine in me and I’m here to awaken his masculinity and goodness. I believe in this man now.

There are no guarantees, but I’m enjoying this right now in this moment.” ~Tasha, New Jersey

They’re looking for a home to move in together soon.  Listen to this interview with her and let her suffering and triumph overcoming her demons be your inspiration that you too can have the same ending no matter how bad you screwed up.  It’s never too late for a Kat Goddess to attract the love of her life back.

Listen to this 90 minutes class and get to work with the most insightful relationship coach in the world with a staggering track record of at least 6 engagements/month (and proven, not just a claim):

You can purchase this powerful class for $97 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

57. How to Mirror A Guy in Dating and Relationship the Most Goddessy Way

Please write me at if you need to pay with PayPal

Many of you find it confusing to mirror and are often feeling guilty of mirroring because you’re such a one-down (the party who wants the relationship more).  Most of you want to blabber your mouth expressing your wants, desires, feelings and expectations.  Needless to say, it doesn’t work.  Had if worked I wouldn’t have been here on my soapbox talking to you.

Mirroring is actually the safest way to navigate the in limbo and uncertain situation you’re facing with a guy.  It’s a Goddess’s weapon that beats a man at his own game and the one that saves your dignity, that makes him look up to you.  They trust you more…much more than when you’re an open book with your verbal expressions.

In this class I will reveal 7 reasons why mirroring works and why it works WAY better than talking, the route most of you take that has been proven to be dysfunctional, and 4 main reasons why women can’t mirror.

So don’t miss this class.  You’ll become smarter, wiser and more powerful with every class you attend with me and after this class you will not have any more hesitation to mirror a guy you date or in relationship with.

“Oh goodness gracious, Kat.  You made it as simple as ABC and now I have no more question in my mind that instead of blabbering I simply need to just mirror him!  Why didn’t I believe you the first time you told me?  Now everything makes so much sense. You’re the master of explaining all these things in a very simple and straight-to-the-point language I never found anywhere else online before you. It’s a very enlightening class that I recommend for every woman trying to make sense of all these confusing signals from men.” ~Keira, San Jose

Listen to this 90 minutes class and get to work with the most insightful relationship coach in the world with a staggering track record of at least 6 engagements/month (and proven, not just a claim):

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

58. What Is Cheating and How Cheating Happens and How to Cheat-Proof Your Relationship

Many of you prematurely claimed a guy to be a bf when he’s not really there yet and when he was still juggling women you feel cheated. So in this class I will dissect when you can be sure a bf is really a bf and when he’s not you yourself should in fact rotate just like him and that won’t be cheating either on your or his part.

Take, for example, the case of Melissa who recently gave birth to her and her former EUM’s baby and got ring from him the next day!

Had she followed prevalent wisdom (which is no wisdom at all), she wouldn’t have had the life she has now with her man.  But by following Kat’s wisdom she got everything she ever wanted from her EUM.

If you’re so hung up on the word “cheating” because you’re “loyal to a fault.”  It shows you have unresolved issues.  Nobody asks you to be loyal to a fault.  And in my book loyalty isn’t unconditional.

It is earned.  A middle-of-the-road person always consider both sides of the story.In relationship, it’s another issue. Cheating happens because one thing is missing in the relationship, thus to cheat proof your relationship you have to cultivate that one thing.

Find out what that one thing is!

Listen to this 90 minutes class and get to work with the most insightful relationship coach in the world with a staggering track record of at least 6 engagements/month (and proven, not just a claim):

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

59. How to Cultivate Emotional Attraction with Your EUM/Guy

Many relationships don’t go a distance mainly because emotional attraction doesn’t develop. Guys need to fall for you through emotions cause you’re the whole package. So even when your relationship starts with sex/FWB, it’s not the end of the world! If your relationship doesn’t deepen it’s because the emotional attraction is missing.

There are 4 main reasons why:

1.  You lead with the mind, and thus FEAR.  You either water your relationship with love or with fear.  The latter is like watering your plant with acid, of course it will die sooner than later.  The fear can manifest in many ways you sabotage your relationship: emotional unavailability, jealousy, or controlling traits.

2.  He’s torn thanks to unfinished journey with an ex or in other word he’s rebounding thus emotionally unavailable.

3.  Not enough polarity in the relationship.  He doesn’t feel quite at home being with you, maybe because you’re too much of a busy body or go getter while he is more into a relaxed woman who is easy to lead and be with.

4. Long distance. You two don’t have enough experience to actually spend time physically together.  Such a gap is making straying toward other contenders very easy to do.  Even when connection and chemistry is strong, over time distance poses a real issue.

Sometimes it’s 2, 3 or all the above!!

In the previous class before this one I talked about cheating and what makes men cheat and how to cheat proof your relationship that lasted 80 mins.  The one thing that will cheat proof your relationship is this emotional attraction.  So as a continuation of that class I address how to cultivate emotional attraction with a guy on this class that lasted 90 mins

“Great class!!! Especially the part when the EUM lives long distance how to handle the situation…I really really like the one that is long distance, but I know to date locals thank you for how to handle the long distance thing. I love this class, so many questions were answered

” ~Gina, Arkansas 

“I chuckle sometimes you are very funny. And I love how you teach relationships through no- mind, non dualism ❤️.  Loving all the classes, they are indeed soul nourishing,” ~Victoria, Canada


You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

60. When Is Relationship Exclusive and What to Do When You're Exclusive With A Guy Who Doesn't Act Like A Boyfriend

This is a recurring topic in our groups. Most of you just have no clue how to navigate this tricky exclusivity. Most of you think exclusivity agreement will safeguard your heart.

It ain’t necessarily so. More often than not it’s a TRAP that you’re so willingly getting into and creating for yourself!

What a great class this one is and this is going to be one of your favorites! I dissected this exclusivity situation into 3 scenarios.

1. He was fairly or very interested at first, you brought the talk and he pulled away after saying yes to exclusivity.

2. He was hot and love bombing you cause you naturally leaned back at first cause you were moderately attracted to him so he needed to put in the effort to win your heart, he brought exclusivity talk and you agreed cause you began to fall in love, then you take over by leaning forward so much so he begins to flake.

3. You’ve been in relationship for a while (probably over a year), it started strong, you had done a lot of relationship things but then things started to happen in the relationship that caused him to pull away.

What are the solutions to each of this scenario? Find out in this class.

Listen to this 90 minutes class and get to work with the most insightful relationship coach in the world with a staggering track record of at least 6 engagements/month (and proven, not just a claim):

“I’m writing this post for all the ladies who would like to hear about the personal experience of someone in the fan subscription group Kat offers. To give a bit of background, I found Kat’s work in the fall of last year while trying to figure out whether to let go of my EUM. I bought the book, Module 3 on Leaning Back and quite a few classes.

All of this information was beneficial but I still felt like I wasn’t getting it and my EUM definitely wasn’t stepping up to the plate, in fact he was growing more distant. Last weekend I had a talk with my EUM, and he told me we should just be friends because he couldn’t offer more right now.

Today I participated in the 12th Satsang: When Is Relationship Exclusive and What to Do When You’re An Exclusive with A Guy Who Doesn’t Act Like a Boyfriend. I asked about my situation and hearing her read my question aloud and respond made it “real”. There was no way I could misinterpret what she said. I started crying while she was talking because I couldn’t run from the truth anymore, she was pointing it out in black and white. I felt foolish and scared but then she said something that gave my heart a hug. She said it’s ok “Because now you are under my care”. That meant so much and I know it’s true. I felt how she wanted to help me and how she would be there for me in the upcoming satsangs, to support me. Is that worth $100 a month (even for a Canadian like me with an unfavourable exchange rate). Yes! Yes! Yes! Being under her care is right where I want to be.

I cannot stress how valuable the live interaction with Katarina is! I’m pretty sure that I’ve misinterpreted part’s of Kat’s work, because I wanted to misinterpret it. I attached to my EUM and stayed around too long, trying to convince myself I was being patient and laid back, even when I was screaming inside. I’ve struggled with determining whether my guy was into me or not and spinning around in a cycle of going from doormat to running away and then coming back, all the while talking to him about my emotions.

I’m counting on the frequency of the satsangs to provide the opportunity to speak to a coach at least once a week if I find I need it. At the very least it gives me the opportunity to hear Kat’s insights from different angles, every week and get specific feedback on my situation. So worth it. I’m grateful to Kat for finding a platform to help those of us who can’t afford one on one coaching❤️” Carla, Toronto


“Wow! Another genius class. I SO needed to hear this class today. Thank you so much, Katarina. It’s like an emotional cleanse. Love it. Going to re-watch.” ~Joanne, Maui

“Thank you so much Kat. I am so grateful for you. You are amazing. thank you for answering my questions with all of your wisdom and heart.” ~Rockin Gal, Kansas (attended the live class with the fan subscriptions)

“Kat, I’m so glad I became a supporter! I’m going to listen to your advice over and over until it really sinks into my heart. Thanks for finding a platform to help those of us who can’t afford one on one coaching ❤️” ~Carlene, Oklahoma (attended the live class with the fan subscriptions)

You can purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

61. How Setting Up So Many Boundaries and Show Up A Diva Will Land You A Beta Man

Please write me at if you want to pay with paypal or have problems with payment.  I will send you an invoice.

Recently there is a heated discussion in the free FB group about whether or not it’s a great idea to rotate till you get a ring (add yourself to the group if you want to follow the thread).

Most of you know my position on rotation that it’s a MUST if you want to safely navigate the uncertainty of modern dating the first few months or even year.  However you drop it when it becomes clear that cream has risen on top which means one of the guys has shown through his words and actions that he claims you.

You follow his lead cause he’s proven himself to worth your salt and surrender and trust in the process.  That’s how a mature, secure, well-adjusted and healthy adult will treat the courtship process.

Some coaches though will advise you to give him a “non-girlfriend speech” and continue to rotate till you get a ring which is a VERY BAD advice.  Very bad that I’m surprised that any so-called expert will propagate it (and I have repeatedly said I’m not a fan of the lousy state of relationship coaching online cause most of these coaches are really that unhelpful hence starting this year I launched my own Coach Certification Program).  It shows how shallow they are and little understanding of the male psyche and human nature they possess.

The same coaches like most coaches will uniformly teach to set up boundaries before inner work cause most of them are former doormats themselves so their first instinct is to run the other way.  These coaches aren’t centered yet hence their pendulums still swing from one extreme to the other hence their advice often misses the mark.  They can only help you to the extent of their own personal growth, obviously.

They don’t know that before you can talk about boundaries, you need to look inside first if you are happy and full within yourself. If you are not, most things will violate your “boundaries” and they are actually more neuroses than boundaries. They are actually baggage and issues you need to heal within yourself.

Hence what happens is the rampant case of the blind leading the blind.  And I often receive the leftovers of bad coaching they leave behind: fixing the mistakes they made that caused their clients’s relationships to go from bad to worse.

But don’t worry cause you have arrived at the Last Resort.  I have many times over saved relationships most unlikely to be saved based on my vision 20/20.  I can see in complete clarity the roots of every relationship and life problems/issues because there is no more self (I-stories) in me.  This kind of clarity is extremely rare in the world in any counseling profession.

When you show up a diva in dating with so many boundaries you set, you will naturally attract the kind of men who will match that alpha energy: beta men.  Yeah these men will be so attracted to your “strong self-confidence” because they possess the opposite of that energy which is feminine.

So no sex before commitment?  Sure, these beta orbiters will be more than happy to wait around for years to get in your pants or give you what you want in a heartbeat to get in your pants. They have very few options with women, that’s why.

And no netflix and chill or couch dates the first 3 months?  Absolutely, they’ll take you out to expensive dinner each time if they have money and they’ll even bring you flowers each time.

And no exclusivity before the ring?  Oh no problem, sweetheart, how many carats do you want your diamond to be?  Whatever you want, I’m at your disposal.

But seriously, is this the kind of man you’re attracted to and want to be with for the rest of your life?

Unfortunately, most of you are attracted to the bad boy types who are elusive and not acting like a doormat with you.  Most women, truly, want the masculine alpha guys and these men aren’t marching to your drum.  These men will be gravitated toward feminine and more submissive women who fill follow their lead.

And you in fact tend to be so irritable with these overly nice men.  You just can’t respect them enough cause their balls aren’t as big as yours (oops).

Correct, they’re not attracted to divas aka demanding pushy alpha women.  Don’t let any amateurish coach tell you otherwise.

And these men will take their time before committing because commitment isn’t a laughing matter to them. Don’t you want to know as well that the man you marry is going to be the kind of man you can and want to spend the rest of your life with? So why not surrender to the process? As it’s as important to him as it is to you?

Clearly this kind of low EQ and manipulative advice is made for women who have nothing to be proud of and happy about in their lives other than getting hitched no matter to whom or what.

And another stupid advice they dispense is you can rotate and be monogamous with the guy you expect the ring from (your main rotation guy whom you gave the non-girflriend speech to). Huh?

Tell me which morons will continue investing in a woman knowing they have been friendzoned?  Right, beta dudes with no back bones and self-esteem.

And why would you string these poor guys along? Do you realize how useless, dysfunctional, impractical and out-of-touch this advice is?

So the teachings of these “Diva Coaches” are magnets for you to attract beta males. More power to you if that’s what you like and want as many women are in fact not made for masculine men.

I’ve been with a beta man for 9 years so I know exactly what this kind of relationship looks and feels like.  You love it at first because it’s easy but sooner or later you lose respect and attraction for him when you realize you do most of the heavy lifting.

So if you want a guy who leads, be easy to lead instead of start making a laundry list of demands and being confrontational by telling them how they screw up left and right so pick your battles.

But, you protest, I use the “I statement.”  It doesn’t matter cause you still come across a ball buster that is hard to please.  Alpha men want nice women (their polar opposite) just like you are attracted to non-“nice guys” cause they feel masculine to you.

Nice = sweet = agreeable = yes girl = soft boundaries = feminine.

Divas = JLo = alpha = no girl = hard boundaries = masculine.

>Get it?

If you want an alpha man you have to be a beta woman.  There is no way around this.  There can only be one alpha in the relationship: it’s either you or him.

I produce the most engagements in the business (6 engagements/month), hands down, without this manipulation/strategy, cause I understand the principle of polarity like no other!

Get this 70-min class and stop wasting your time and money trying this technique or that technique to get him to marry you.  Katarina Phang knows ALL the secrets and they’re not what you think they are!

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):


62. What Is Vulnerability and How to Be Vulnerable in Dating and Relationship

Please write me at if you want to pay with paypal or have problems with payment.  I will send you an invoice.


This class is the sequel of the class before it: How Setting Up So Many Boundaries and Show Up A Diva Will Land You A Beta Man

A lot of you don’t know what vulnerability truly means and how to be vulnerable.  When you date a masculine man he won’t be able to bond and fall in love with you unless you know how to be vulnerable.  To most of you vulnerability means the liberty to express how you feel when you feel it (and mostly upset/negative/fearful feelings).

When you lead with fear you will start employing strategies to control how relationship unfolds and what kind of outcome you should get.  This is the opposite of being vulnerable.

Vulnerability to you and the version that many “diva coaches” teach will actually make you come across controlling!

Get this 70-min class and stop wasting your time and money trying this technique or that technique to get him to marry you.  Katarina Phang knows ALL the secrets and they’re not what you think they are!

Before you screw your relationship with your masculine or alpha EUM because you’re following half-baked advice that works some of the time with a type of men you usually aren’t attracted to (nice guys/nerd/beta men who can be controlled), you want to listen to these 2 classes (and get the both classes as a bundle for a mere $169 ($45 discount!!) by clicking on the payment link below and at the check out page pick the previous class to be added.

You can now purchase this powerful class for $107 (Mind you my hourly coaching is $499/hr today and it will keep going up!):

This is an E-Product, which means it’s downloaded to your computer or gadget after your payment is processed (You will receive an email containing your login information). No physical product will be sent to you through mail. All sales are FINAL. Please refer to Terms Of Use for further illumination on our terms and conditions and refund policy. You can contact us at (but please BEWARE: you will need to click on the one-time anti-spam verification link to whitelist your email address, or your email won’t reach us) and we will respond to you within 24 hours.

Good news my romeo and I are back together. He invited me for lunch today. We talked and he told me he had to be tough in me for me to stop my nagging and appreciate him. He says he missed me as well. He also told me he is in the phase were he do busy and hopes I understand and be patient with him. Wants me to be his support. Thank you all for your support I thought I lost him but he just wanted me to get it together. When we met, he gave me a big hug and right away said anyways its a relief. He will be traveling on the first for 2 weeks. This Sunday would have made it a month since we broke up. I’m glad.

I found Kat about 3 days after we broke up. The days I’m growing up. .lol. Thank you Kat.

You’re the best, Katarina.

Bonnie, Texas